Breaking into Your Local Music Scene Music Marketing Blog

How to start your music career in a new town.

Whether you’re new to music, new to town, or finally getting back out there after a long break, it can be really beneficial to make solid connections in your own hometown before you try to conquer the world.

Want to build a loyal audience in your local scene?

In this episode of the DIY Musician Podcast, we’ll discuss:

03:52 Where to begin when you want to make music in a new town
04:22 “Are you terrified? That’s normal.”
06:34 Be a student of your new music scene
07:47 Music scene research checklist
08:52 Be a local culture connoisseur
09:36 Don’t ignore the music stores
10:34 “Remember MySpace?”
11:47 Contact the local “cool guy”
12:10 Account for the quirks
13:11 Big city vs. small town
16:15 Every genre has its own entry point
17:22 The wackiest popup venues!
21:06 “The craziest night of the week”
22:43 Find the club that welcomes new acts
25:37 What do you want from your hometown?
28:15 Maybe you don’t need to build a live audience?
30:14 How to find bandmates & other collaborators
33:15 Places to search for good local musicians
34:07 Steady band vs. hired guns
34:40 People still pull flier tabs
35:32 What does your scene expect from musicians?
37:36 Concentric circles: Build outwards
40:14 You can shape the local scene
41:24 Help gatekeepers solve problems
42:21 “Your friends are not your fans”
43:07 Balance between playing too often and not enough
43:40 Don’t count on an unrealistic draw
45:53 Build a reputation — with video proof
46:30 “Don’t forget where you came from”
47:53 How to get other artists to promote you
50:01 What other skills can you offer your scene?
51:29 The “unhip” publications are thirsty to tell your story
52:17 Making inroads with local press
53:00 Bad press ain’t the end of the world
53:29 Our worst reviews
57:31 Be nice to everyone
58:05 Not every “sorry” is a rejection
59:59 Basic etiquette in your music scene 

Have you made inroads in a new scene?

Gotten results? Still finding your footing?

We’d love to hear your tips and perspective. Comment below!

The post Breaking into Your Local Music Scene appeared first on DIY Musician.