Best SEO Blogs

Google Search Ranking Algorithm Update Wednesday

As I mentioned yesterday in my story on the slow rollout for the Google link spam update – there seems to be a Google update going on. It started – maybe Tuesday but spiked in a big way on Wednesday, August 18th. It is not clear if this is related to that link spam update or something else.

Best SEO Blogs

Promote Your Music on YouTube Shorts

If you’re a musician that creates a lot of video content, you now have another creative way to promote your music on YouTube: YouTube Shorts. Over the past few years, the rapid growth of TikTok and Instagram Reels has proven short-form video to be a powerful format for independent creators looking to build and entertain their following. And now YouTube is getting in on the action with their short vertical video feature, aptly called YouTube Shorts. What are YouTube Shorts? Shorts is YouTube’s short-form, vertical video format. As a YouTube user, of course, you can WATCH Shorts. But more to […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google Search Adds 3D Periodic Table

Google has added a 3D and AR based periodic table to the search results. If you search for [periodic table] and look at the right side rail, you will see a way to “explore” the periodic table. Clicking that takes you into the experience.