As I mentioned yesterday in my story on the slow rollout for the Google link spam update – there seems to be a Google update going on. It started – maybe Tuesday but spiked in a big way on Wednesday, …
Google: The Header To Title Tag Snippet Change Is Not Related To Passaging Ranking
A couple of days ago, we broke the news, that many are noticing a change where Google is using the header tag over the title tag more often these days for the Google search result snippet link. Some are suggesting …
Google Spells Curbside As Kerbside In Some Regions
I can sometimes be naive when it comes to some differences between the USA and the rest of the world. One example is spelling curbside and kerbside. Honestly, I think spelling it kerbside is way cooler and so does other …
Daily Search Forum Recap: August 18, 2021
Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…
Top Stories Images In Google Search Blank
Google’s top stories carousel is not loading all the images for those articles. It seems like a bug is causing some of the images to not show up as of early this morning.
Google: We Will Retry Old Redirect URLs For Years
Google’s John Mueller once again confirmed that Google will continue to retry old, redirected URLs for years and years even if the redirect remains in place for a long time. John said on Twitter “I suspect we’ll keep retrying these …
Google Local Result With Reviews From The Web & Independent Sites
Google seems to be testing a new way of showing reviews in the local listing for some businesses. Brandon Schmidt spotted Google showing not just the number of reviews with the review summary in stars, but where Google labels if …
Google: Cover All Your Bases With Searcher Intent & Your Content
Lily Ray shared an interesting chart from Ahrefs, the SEO toolset, showing how for a single keyword phrase, there were multiple intents from searchers spike over a different time period. In which, John Mueller of Google responded that it makes …
Google Ads “Paid For By Label” On Political Ads
Google is now placing a label (I think it is new) named “paid for by” on some political ads. This label lets searchers click on it to learn more who is sponsoring the ad and even lets you dive into …
Google Link Spam Update Still Rolling Out Over 3 Weeks Later
Google announced on July 26, 2021, three-weeks and two days ago, that it started to roll the link spam update and that update would take about two-weeks to roll out. Well, like I said, it is three-weeks and two days …
Daily Search Forum Recap: August 17, 2021
Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…
Google Displaying Header Tags Instead Of Titles For Search Snippets?
I am seeing numerous complaints this morning that Google is showing header tags, H1s and H2s, instead of the meta title tags, for its search result snippets. I am seeing some public complaints on Twitter, but also in some of …
Google Opens Indexing Bugs Reporting Tool To Search Console Users
Google announced that all signed-in Google Search Console users who go to the English help form can now submit indexing bug notifications to Google. This ran as a pilot to a limited number of users back in April but is …
Google Search Adds 3D Periodic Table
Google has added a 3D and AR based periodic table to the search results. If you search for [periodic table] and look at the right side rail, you will see a way to “explore” the periodic table. Clicking that takes …