A while back an SEO asked John Mueller of Google if “linking to an external site from the FAQ Schema of a discounts/vouchers site?” John responded, “sure.” I guess if the link is against Google’s webmaster guidelines, sure, you can …
Google: Self-Referential Canonicals Help Clean Up Small SEO Mistakes
Google’s John Mueller said that using self-referential canonicals is a good way to clean up small SEO mistakes. He was asked about it on Reddit, about the difference between self-referential canonicals and normal canonicals.
How to Use Instagram Reels Ads to Build Your Spotify Following
Boost your Spotify engagement with Reels ads.
Facebook Ads recently introduced an exciting new feature that gives artists the ability to advertise on Instagram Reels.
Marketers worldwide rejoice! People who enjoy watching Reels undisturbed, not so much.
To review: …
Firefox Testing Bing As Default Search Engine
Mozilla, the company behind the Firefox browser, is testing setting the default search engine to Microsoft Bing for 1% of its users. Mozilla said Sept 6, 2021 1% of the Desktop user base will be experimenting with Bing as the …
Google: You Don’t Need Reviews To Use Product Schema For Product Rich Results
Google’s John Mueller confirmed that even if you do not have reviews on your product landing pages, you can still use product structured markup/schema on your product pages and gain product rich results in the Google search results page.
Programming Note: Offline For Sukkot
This is just a quick note that I will be offline for the Jewish holiday of Sukkot on Tuesday September 21 and Wednesday, September 22nd. All stories, social media posts…
Google: Don’t Remove Old News From Your News Site For SEO Reasons
Google’s John Mueller said he would not recommend that you remove old content or old news from your news site for SEO reasons. He said “I don’t think you would get a lot of value out of removing just old …
Google On Importance Of Bylines For Trust On Articles
Lily Ray asked John Mueller of Google what does one do if the author of a piece of content does not want their name on the content because of fear of being harassed or worse. Should you leave the author …
Vlog #138: Dan Shure On Featured Snippets & Buying Sites For SEO
In part one, Dan Shure and I spoke about Google core update and in part two we spoke about using buyer guides for SEO. In part three, we dive into featured snippets and buying websites for SEO.
Google’s New Automobile Search Features Upset The Automobile Retail Industry
Google seems to have rolled out new automobile search features that show more details specifications without sourcing where it found those specs. It may be some data relationship but supposedly this data isn’t as easy to come back as one …
Possible Google Algorithm Update On September 16th & 17th
We may have had another Google search ranking algorithm update this past Thursday and Friday – over Yom Kippur day and Friday. The chatter was somewhat limited but there is chatter and the tools mostly show signs of a small …