Best SEO Blogs

Google Search Ranking Algorithm Update On October 26th

There may have been a Google search ranking algorithm update on the smaller side on or around October 26th. There was both some limited chatter on that day, limited in that is was more than the norm but less than a huge update. And many of the tools showed elevated volatility on or around October 26th.

Best SEO Blogs

Google Continuous Scroll Does Has No Impact Search Console Reports

As you know, Google is rolling out continuous scroll on mobile search. To be honest, in my original reporting on this topic, I covered both the image of Search Console and Google Ads reporting – saying there is no direct impact outside of how user behavior may change. But it seems some are still asking about how this change impacts the performance reports in Search Console.

Best SEO Blogs

Google: Using Admin Or Author For Author Name On Articles

Google’s John Mueller was asked if using “admin” or “author” for the author name on articles would be okay for some web sites. The answer was not 100% clear, but he suggested for YMYL categories of sites, it’s best to stay away from generic author names like that. But even for other sites, it might be best to leave the author name blank as compared to using “admin” as the author name.