Best SEO Blogs

Google Ads Past Violations Can Limit Your Ads

Shaun Elley posted a screenshot of one of his ads in Google Ads showing a status of “eligible (limited) policy (past violation).” This seems to mean that an ad you once had was disapproved because of a past violation but now that ad is not longer disapproved because Google later decided to no longer disapprove such types of ads.

Best SEO Blogs

Google Search Console’s Link Report Not A Priority For Google

Google’s John Mueller was asked on Twitter why the pipeline to get data into the link report within Google Search Console seems slower than most the other reports. In short, John said that links is not an area they think SEOs should focus too much on and thus the report is not an area where Google thinks there is “any need to spend lots of resources” on.

Best SEO Blogs

The John Mueller Meme Report 2021

Like last year, Google’s John Mueller put together a year end meme report of SEO for 2021. John said on Twitter “It’s time for the dreaded end-of-year reports. Here’s a compilation from the monthly internal reports that I put together. There’s more to them, but this is the fun part. The memes of 2021 SEO.”