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Podcast: Google Search Product Legal Counsel, David Price

For some reason, legal discussions always fascinate me – the nuance in how words are put together, definitions, and the technicality lawyers put into words is just interesting. And of course, you all know I am obsessed with Google and search. So this latest Search Off the Recorded podcast with David Price, the Google Search Product Legal Counsel was pretty interesting for me to listen to.

Best SEO Blogs

Music predictions for 2022

How making (and making money from) your music will change next year. “Unprecedented.” Tired of that word yet? It’s apt though. 2021 (or “2020, Part 2”) was… unprecedented. The music industry had been changing fast, but the pandemic accelerated all kinds of experimentation in 2021: Legacy songwriter catalogs got bought and sold like mad Some platforms started leaning towards more user-centric payment models NFTs captured all the headlines… for a month Livestreaming went from temporary supplement to permanent fixture And so much more Amidst all this experimentation, the independent music sector only grew in strength and market share this year. CD […]