Best SEO Blogs

Google Confirms Testing Emojis In Some Search Ads

Google has confirmed it is officially testing placing emojis in some search ads. Darcy Burk spotted a pizza emoji on a search ad for Uber Eats and posted the screenshot on Twitter. Ginny Marvin of Google on the Ads Liaison Twitter account confirmed Google is testing placing emojis in some search ads.

Best SEO Blogs

Google May Assign Multiple Languages Per Page

Google generally likes you to stick with one language per page, that isn’t to say you cannot use different pages throughout your site with different languages. But if you do not listen and you put multiple languages on a page, Google can assign multiple languages to that page, said John Mueller of Google.

Best SEO Blogs

SEO Poll On Near Me Optimization Is Mixed

Brodie Clark posted a Twitter poll asking “is optimizing a website for search term variations that include “near me” good practice for SEO?” The results were pretty almost evenly split amongst “yes” and “no”, with more people leaning to “it depends.”

Best SEO Blogs

Cameos on Google Is Going Away

Google on Friday sent out emails to those who have recorded videos for Cameos on Google that they are discontinuing the service. “Beginning February 17, 2022, you will no longer be able to record videos through Cameos on Google and any existing videos posted to Google Search and Discover won’t be shown,” Google wrote.

Best SEO Blogs

Google AdSense To Separate YouTube Earnings With Own Payment Threshold

Google sent emails to YouTube publishers that their YouTube AdSense payments will be separated from their other AdSense payments. So if you get paid through Google AdSense for AdSense ads on your sites and also in YouTube, you will now get payments individually for each. The issue is, that means each has to hit the $100 payment threshold individually and you might get paid out slower.

Best SEO Blogs

Google: There Is No Schema For Product Images In Web Search

Google’s John Mueller was asked if there is a way to better control the images that Google shows in the web search results for product results. The answer is not really, there is no schema or structured data that helps you control or define these for Google, John said. He said Google just decides on its own if it wants to show them for snippets or not.

Best SEO Blogs

Cover art design tips to ensure your music goes live

Why making acceptable cover art is so important. In the streaming era, you need cover art for every single and album you release. Not only should that artwork LOOK good; it also has to meet the visual guidelines of the big streaming platforms if you want your music to stay available online. Does cover art still matter in a streaming world? Back before streaming and even downloads, when record stores ruled the music world, an album cover was often all a shopper had to go on when they were browsing the shelves. How many unsuspecting teens in the ‘80s stumbled […]