Best SEO Blogs

10 Ways to Hit High Notes (Without Straining)

Vocal techniques to help you sing soaring melodies without cracking or strain. [Workshop your singing with Matt in-person at the DIY Musician Conference, this August 26-28 in Austin — or watch the virtual conference from anywhere in the world.] We’ve all been there. You’re getting ready to sing that beautiful high note when all of a sudden, it feels like the bottom drops out of your voice and you crack like a 12-year-old boy. A little embarrassed, you try again, this time pushing the note a bit harder. But that only makes the crack worse. As a voice teacher, I can tell you […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google Product Grid Results Are Organic & Are Huge

We’ve been seeing a lot of grid-like formats with products and shopping results. We know some are ads and some are organic. John Mueller of Google just added official Google representative confirmation that many of these are organic – if you don’t trust that there is no ad label on them as evidence enough.

Best SEO Blogs

Google Shopping Ads Carousel With Shaded Backgrounds

Google is using a gray shaded background color for some of the results within the Google Shopping Ads carousel. I was able to replicate this, where for some images, Google thinks a light gray background works better than a white background. This is not tiled, where every other result is shaded, it is based on some other algorithm, maybe the color of the photo of the product?

Best SEO Blogs

Google: We Are Communicating About More Algorithm Updates

Another point from the Google NYC SEO Meetup the other night was that Danny Sullivan at Google said Google has been more active about communicating about algorithm updates now than ever before. Danny said Google communicates more often about algorithm updates, which is why it feels that there are so many more updates now than previously.