Google starts automatically upgrading Smart Shopping campaigns to Performance Max

Google has begun to roll out automatic updates converting Smart Shopping campaigns into Performance Max. 

The details. For most advertisers, the updates will finish in September. Google will send a notification about 2-3 weeks before the updates take effect and provide a specific date when your campaigns will be converted. But some Smart Shopping campaigns using features like vehicle ads will be completed in early 2023. 

Learning and history concerns. Google says when your campaigns are self-upgraded using the tool or automatically upgraded, learnings from your previous Smart Shopping campaigns carry over to your new Performance Max campaigns to maintain consistent performance. Your campaign settings will also automatically transfer.

Update your campaigns yourself. If you don’t want to wait for Google and prefer to update your campaigns on your own, you can use the “one-click” upgrade tool. 

Getting in front of the holiday season. According to their research, 26% of shoppers in the US have already started their holiday shopping. Supply chain issues and inflation could play a role in why buying has kicked off earlier than any other previous year. Google says the auto upgrades are “to win customers throughout the extended season.”

More new features. Yesterday we announced the release of three new ad creation tools including asset storage, video ad templates, and voice-over audio. Google suggests using these tools alongside your new Performance Max campaigns to drive better results on YouTube.

Read the announcement. Google made the announcement to shift from Smart Shopping to Performance Max back in January. But you can read today’s updates in their keyword blog.

Why we care. Automatic updates are never fun if you’re caught off guard. Since the “one-click” upgrade tool is available now, we suggest converting your campaigns yourself and not leaving it up to Google. That should give you better control of the settings and more visibility into how the campaign is actually being set up. Google claims the learnings from your Smart Shopping campaigns will carry over, but it’s best not to leave that to chance, especially as we approach the holiday season.

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