By Artists, for Artists: Elena

Did you know that every song submitted to CD Baby is prepared by an actual human before reaching its digital destination?

Elena is one of those actual humans. She also happens to be the bassist, singer and co-writer for Gentle Bender, a garage-punk duo.

Elena inspects and verifies songs before they are delivered to global streaming services like Spotify, Apple Music, and many more.

Nobody understands artists like other artists.

Which is why at CD Baby we’re proud that so many people on our team are musicians, writers, and creators.

We want to celebrate some of our teammates’ stories in this “By Artists, for Artists” video series.

Today we’re featuring Elena, who spends her work days helping DIY artists get their music out into the world, while also embracing a full family life and her own creative pursuits.

Check out Elena’s band Gentle Bender on Spotify!

The post By Artists, for Artists: Elena appeared first on DIY Musician.