Best SEO Blogs

Microsoft Bing Search Tests & New Features

There is just so much going on with Microsoft Bing Search between new features and tests, I figured I’d put together a quick list of them in one place. I am not 100% sure if these are all new because I am not as on top of Bing as I am with Google but here it goes.

Best SEO Blogs

8 steps to a successful entity-first strategy for SEO and content

Entity search can be a massive competitive advantage. But you first need to build your entity-based strategy.  This article will cover how to create a robust entity-first strategy to help our content and SEO efforts. Most common challenges search and content marketers face Relevant, topical content, discovery based on customer intent is still the biggest challenge we face as search marketers.  Content relevancy, in my mind, means the content is personalized, must tell a story, should be scannable, readable, provides images, and the layout can be consumed on any device. Here are five outcomes we aim to accomplish with content: […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google cookies will remain active on Chrome until 2024

Google’s Privacy Sandbox initiative began with the intent to create technology to protect people’s privacy. Part of that initiative was to reduce cross-site and cross-app tracking by eliminating third-party cookies. Today it was announced that the initiative has been delayed and developers are aiming for a Q3 2023 launch. Google developers also predict that it will start phasing out third-party cookies in the second half of 2024. Why the delay. Google says that “consistent feedback” from developers, marketers, and publishers, and more testing are the reasons for the delays. The most consistent feedback we’ve received is the need for more […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google Merchant Center no longer disapproves login required and restricted purchase free product listings

Google has updated its Merchant Center policy to no longer automatically disapproved free listings for products that have login required and/or restricted purchase access. Google said it now will list these products as active but with the caveat that they may “have limited visibility on Google.” What changed. Google said previously, Google Merchant Center accounts with the “Login required” or the “Restricted purchase”  issue were automatically disapproved. Now, free listings in Google Merchant Center accounts with this issue status are still active, but their products have limited visibility on Google. This only impacts free listings. What is login required. Google […]

Best SEO Blogs

GA4 now shows Performance Max and Smart Shopping data

Everyones favorite new tool Google Analytics 4 is now showing performance data from Performance Max and Smart Shopping campaigns. Where. To view PMax and SS campaigns, navigate to Acquisition > Traffic acquisition report, you’ll see that the data is organized by the Session default channel grouping dimension. (Click + to choose a secondary dimension.) Performance Max and Smart Shopping campaigns are under Cross Network. Google announcement. This is one that Google may or may not have forgotten to publicly announce, but Charles Farina discovered and posted about it on Linkedin this week. You can review the GA4 default channel groupings help doc here. Why […]

Best SEO Blogs

Webinar: Unlock the power of TikTok for your social strategy

With 800 million active users worldwide, TikTok is influencing a whole new generation of social media users and consumers. This webinar will break down how content and influencers drive engagement and influence consumer behavior. Learn how to measure your competitive share of voice, engage consumers and drive revenue growth for your business. Register today for “Unlock the Power of TikTok for Your Social Strategy” presented by NetBase Quid. The post Webinar: Unlock the power of TikTok for your social strategy appeared first on Search Engine Land.