Best SEO Blogs

Google to release August 2022 product reviews update in coming weeks

Google will be releasing another product reviews update, the August 2022 product reviews update, in the coming weeks, the search company also announced along with the helpful content update. Google said they are launching another update “in the coming weeks to make it even easier to find high-quality, original reviews.” Google said this is another refinement to the product reviews ranking system that aims to “make sure you find the most useful information when you’re researching a purchase on the web.” Timing. Google will post on its updates page when it launches and when it is done rolling out, we […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google’s new helpful content update targets sites creating content for search engines first

Google has announced a new large search algorithm update the search company named the helpful content update that targets websites that has a relatively high amount of unsatisfying or unhelpful content, where the content is written for search engines first. This update will be rolling out soon and will have a meaningful impact on the search results, Google told us. Helpful content targets search engine first content. Google explained this new helpful content update specifically targets “content that seems to have been primarily created for ranking well in search engines rather than to help or inform people.” This update aims […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google releases Ads API version 11

Google has just released the newest version of the Ads API, version v11_1.  What’s changed. Here are the major changes according to Google’s release notes. Assets Added AssetGroup.ad_strength to represent the overall quality of the asset group. When advertisers mutate asset groups or assets associated with the asset groups, this field is recalculated. Until the recalculation is finished, the value is PENDING. Added AssetLinkError.EXCLUDED_PARENT_FIELD_TYPE. Audiences Added FlexibleRuleUserListInfo and RuleBasedUserListInfo.flexible_rule_user_list. Added more values to the LeadFormFieldUserInputType enum (used as predefined questions for lead form extensions). Added the following fields to UserAttribute: lifecycle_stage first_purchase_date_time event_attribute Added the following errors to OfflineUserDataJobError: FIRST_PURCHASE_TIME_GREATER_THAN_LAST_PURCHASE_TIME INVALID_LIFECYCLE_STAGE INVALID_EVENT_VALUE EVENT_ATTRIBUTE_ALL_FIELDS_ARE_REQUIRED Bidding Added Campaign.bidding_strategy_system_status to show the system status of the […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google adds additional CTV buying options in Display & Video 360

Google is adding three new options for brands advertising on CTV.  Audience guarantees based on Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings (DAR). The Nielsen DAR is used to understand how many unique viewers CTV and video ad buyers reach within their core audiences and prove campaign impact across digital media platforms. Google is releasing Nielsen audience guarantees to make it easier to plan and measure CTV, Display, and Video 360.  When advertisers are setting up their guaranteed deal, they can select specific ages and demographics and pay only for the ad impressions that reach their target audience as measured by Nielsen DAR.  […]

Best SEO Blogs

How to approach SEO in a period of global disruption

Marred by a pandemic, a war, political division, and seesawing economies, the past two-plus years have disrupted life as we know it.  If all these have taught us anything in the world of SEO, it’s that even the most sound, effective strategies are subject to re-evaluation.  Even in industries that aren’t directly connected to world events, SEO strategies and goals need to reflect the reality of the times and news cycles.  Let’s look at the role of SEO in a turbulent global landscape and how marketers need to pivot and adjust. The role of SEO in weird times One of […]

Best SEO Blogs

Perfectionism in SEO: A route to self-destruction

At the start of my SEO career, I wanted to do many things perfectly. I wanted to be that person who: Was in the office from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.  Went through the day super energized, motivated, tenacious and with a huge drive from their daily successes.  Highly impressed her bosses and teammates. Was constantly promoted. Delivered great work under ridiculously tight deadlines yet still managed never to miss appointments, conferences, talks and presentations, and dinners with friends. I did try. But soon after, I suffered severe burnout – and I wasn’t even 30!  I’m not alone in this […]