Best SEO Blogs

Wikipedia And SEO: Everything You Need To Know via @sejournal, @ADiSilvestro

Remember what life was like before the internet was widespread? What would you do if you wanted to figure out who was the head coach of the 1986 Detroit Pistons or learn about the migration habits of the European turtle dove? You had to rely on your memory (spotty, at best), ask a friend (possibly unreliable), or take a trip to your local library (does anyone know how the Dewey decimal system works?). Now a simple Google search can provide you with the answer to virtually any question you could ever have. And one of the most popular resources for […]

Best SEO Blogs

SEO and the future world without cookies

Third-party cookie tracking is going away, and the SEO industry is ready and diligently preparing ambivalent and posting memes on Twitter. SEO has been dealing with the lack of cookie tracking since its existence. So does the cookie’s demise actually matter? Well, my friends, I’m here to tell you two things. The good news: this change means something and there’s an opportunity.  The bad news: it’s not going to be easy. It takes some smart chops to get done, plus considerable resources you’re not likely to get sitting over there in the SEO corner of the office (remote, of course).  […]