Best SEO Blogs

Why and how to delete content in bulk for SEO

Whenever I mention deleting content in bulk to clients or colleagues, I’m usually met with some form of skepticism or doubt. This is usually wrapped up in several different positions, all of which make sense.  Many times, great efforts were made to produce this content, and deleting it is a blow to the emotions. Beyond the emotional hit is the financial one – content costs money, and good content costs real money. Throwing it away seems like such a waste.  And then there is skepticism around the concept – why would deleting content ever be a good idea? If Google […]

Best SEO Blogs

Site taxonomy for SEO: A straightforward guide

You’ve optimised your homepage, products and articles – but still aren’t hitting your SEO KPIs. Why could this be happening? Chances are your site taxonomy is holding you back. What is site taxonomy? Every website has a structure that acts as the scaffolding supporting your individual content pages. It’s a question of quality. Is the system rigorous and streamlined? Or is it an unmanaged and disorganised jumble of pages? Site taxonomy is the way in which a website classifies its content. This allows the content to be organized into groups that share similar characteristics. This helps audiences to find content […]