Best SEO Blogs

3 new tools to measure Google app performance and privacy

Google has just announced three new tools to measure cross-platform app conversions, strengthen performance with privacy-focused measurement, and adapt to iOS and Android standards. Cross-platform conversion measurement. Without cross-platform conversion tracking, google says advertisers will have measurement gaps and optimization limitations across web and app campaigns. To solve this issue, and help advertisers set up conversion tracking, Google is testing alpha testing Web to App Connect, a toolkit that guides advertisers through the process step by step. Deep linking. Google is also prioritizing a frictionless web-to-app experience through deep linking. Deep linking connects the mobile web experience to the company’s […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google’s 2010 and 2018 page speed algorithms were replaced by core web vitals

In the history of Google page speed ranking algorithms, we had three different announcements. Most recently we had the page experience update from 2020 that uses core web vitals, in 2018 we had the Google page speed update, and then in 2010 we had the Google site speed update. Google only uses core web vitals. Google’s John Mueller confirmed on Twitter that Google now only uses the most recent update for page speed ranking, specifically the page experience update that measures page speed using core web vitals. John said “it’s all cwv [core web vitals] now” when asked about if […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google introduces Ads Data Hub for Marketers and Measurement Partners

Google’s Ads Data Hub helps advertisers do customized analyses for their business objectives while maintaining user privacy. Because marketers and measurement partners have different needs, Google has created two different solutions: Ads data Hub for Marketers and Ads Data Hub for Measurement Partners. Ads Data Hub for Marketers The Ads Data Hub for Marketers is a way for advertisers to analyze their data, get access to insights, and be better informed when they buy media. Publisher Advertiser Identity Reconciliation. Publisher Advertiser Identity Reconciliation (PAIR) is a solution that gives publishers and advertisers the option to securely and privately reconcile their […]

Best SEO Blogs

Albums vs. Singles: Which One is REALLY Better?

Should you release one song at a time? Or a whole album? Music trends are always shifting, and over the past hundred years various formats have vied for dominance: Singles, EPs, LPs, and so forth. The ongoing question: Is it more effective to release larger or smaller collections of songs? Well let’s look at how the debate plays out in 2022. The benefits of albums are: They’re a milestone, showing a bigger evolution in your musical career It’s easier to get press/PR coverage You can sell CD or vinyl You have more musical material from which to draw design inspo, […]

Best SEO Blogs

10 spooky SEO tactics to axe in 2023

It was a cold, dark night. At the end of the long path was an old, rundown mansion covered in cobwebs. Inside was a candle flickering next to the shadow of a person.  You rub the frost off the stained-glass window on the doorstep, and there’s just enough light to see what the man inside is doing. He’s moving his body from side to side, chanting numbers – what could it be? Black magic?  You put your ear to the window to find out what you can hear – and you can make out … something: “One, two, three, four […]

Best SEO Blogs

Microsoft Performance Max import updates

Microsoft Ads has just launched a solution within the Google Import tool to simplify duplicating your Performance Max campaigns across platforms.   They’ve also started a pilot program for importing Performance max campaigns that aren’t using a Merchant Center. The new experience will import these campaigns as Search campaigns and create Dynamic Search Ads (DSA).  Best practices. Microsoft outlines the following best practices for importing Performance Max campaigns using the Merchant Center. The following are best practices for importing Performance Max campaigns without Merchant Center. Use the Google Import Tool. You can access the Google Import Tool here. Dig deeper. […]