9 Quick Things Musicians Usually Forget to Do!

Not all music promo needs to cost you dozens of hours or thousands of dollars!

There are (at least) 50 quick things you can do to move forward right now.

And in the video clip above, we’ll review 9 important things that many musicians ignore or forget, including:

  • Running a Spotify “Follow” Campaign with a good hook
  • Actually sending “thank you” notes or emails
  • Doing an informational interview over coffee
  • Checking local venue calendars for available dates or opening slots
  • Designing & hanging posters at the venue
  • Working on your “merch” banter
  • Reaching out to local radio
  • Teaching your fans HOW to help
  • Swapping your contact lists with another musician

We are so online these days that I think some of these items go unnoticed simply because they involve IRL interaction! 

What are some other quick things artists SHOULD be doing, but often forget?

Let me know in the comments.

The post 9 Quick Things Musicians Usually Forget to Do! appeared first on DIY Musician.