How PMC launched its CDP strategy

With the ambiguity around the future of cookies, Penske Media Corporation (PMC) wanted to be certain what its next move was regarding a first-party data solution.

PMC is a global media company serving audiences across 30+ brands such as Variety, Rolling Stone and SXSW. Because PMC has multiple brands, there were many data silos, and marketers had no strategy to productize first-party data. Centralizing and warehousing the user data is vital for an online publisher like PMC.

Due to its massive unknown audience (95% of them are anonymous), PMC’s overarching goal was converting unknown users into known users to open up new revenue opportunities. That is how the media company began its CDP journey with Treasure Data, 

Now, its current tech stack scales with business growth and allows PMC to collect privacy-compliant first-party data from more than 300 million monthly users across all brands.  

To learn more, join Brett Goverman, associate VP of data strategy, PMC, Matt Knapp, director of data, PMC and Eugene Saburi, chief business officer, Treasure Data, for this insightful, data-driven MarTech presentation.

After this session, you’ll be able to:

  • Build a business case for your first-party data strategy.
  • Define the ideal tech stack for your business powered by an Enterprise CDP.
  • Apply aha moments and lessons learned from PMC’s journey.

Watch the session now and learn how PMC used data to make the best decisions at every point during the customer’s journey.

The post How PMC launched its CDP strategy appeared first on Search Engine Land.

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