“How I Got My Song on 37% of the Playlists I Pitched to…” Music Marketing Blog

Today I want to tell you how I got one of my songs onto a bunch of cool playlists around the world.

In fact, 37% of all the curators I pitched to placed the song! (I’m not sure how much experience you have pitching your own music, but 37% is a good success rate.)

In the video above, I’ll show you how I pitched my song and GUARANTEED it’d get attention using a service called Groover, which is available to artists in the US, UK, France, Italy, Brazil, Latam, and more.

With Groover’s platform you can:

Reach curators, playlisters, DJs, labels, managers, and publishers
Guarantee they’ll hear your music and consider it for an opportunity
Get feedback about your music from tastemakers

If the curator doesn’t consider your music, you GET YOUR MONEY BACK!

When I used Groover, not only did I guarantee the three things above, but a bunch of curators placed my song on their playlists. And I was even happier with that 37% success rate given the song I pitched was already 10 months old at the time.

If you want to try it out, CD Baby has partnered with Groover to get you 15% off your first campaign. Since you can choose your own budget AND save 15% at the same time, there’s no reason not to test it out for one of your songs. Just use coupon code GROOVERCDBABY when you finalize your campaign.


Groover’s platform is pretty intuitive, but if you need any help applying the discount code to your campaign, check out this page.

Happy pitching!

The post “How I Got My Song on 37% of the Playlists I Pitched to…” appeared first on DIY Musician.