Best SEO Blogs

3 core skills that will help advance your SEM career

There are three essential skills you need to develop to progress your SEM career. These critical skills apply to almost any industry, but we will make a specific case for roles within SEM:  Clear communication Effective collaboration Focused productivity Clear communication  Do not underestimate clear, concise communication. Communication is at the core of any role within a company or agency.  Every day you are sharing information across teams, clients, and vendors. Individuals who are thoughtful and purposeful with their communication style will benefit from a unique voice and confidence.  As a result, these individuals will have a more significant impact […]

Best SEO Blogs

This day in search marketing history: January 13

Matt Cutts educates Washington, DC about Google In 2011, Matt Cutts, the head of Google’s search spam team, was in Washington DC, doing an “educational tour” to explain to US Federal Trade Commission members and congressional staffers that Google’s search results didn’t require government regulation. Part of his visit included a 89-page slide presentation, called “Search Integrity,” at Google’s Washington, D.C. offices. Cutts said the same thing that Google had been telling the search marketing community for years – that Google’s results are determined by an algorithm and not tweaked to get particular sites ranking well. “The only reasons I […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google December 2022 link spam update done rolling out

Google has confirmed that the December 2022 link spam update is now finished rolling out. The update took 29 days to roll out, starting on December 14, 2022 and ending on January 12, 2023. Google has posted it was completed today, January 12. What is a link spam update. A link spam update looks to neutralize, or no longer count, links that Google finds to be spammy and against Google’s guidelines. Google wrote that this launch “may change as spammy links are neutralized and any credit passed by these unnatural links are lost. This launch will affect all languages.” First time using SpamBrain for links. […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google’s December 2022 helpful content update is now done rolling out

Google has confirmed that the December 2022 helpful content update is now finished rolling out. The update took 38 days to roll out, starting on December 5, 2022 but was first noticeable on December 6th, and ending on January 12, 2023. Google has posted it was completed today, January 12. As a reminder, Google’s helpful content update is a sitewide signal. It targets websites with a relatively high amount of unsatisfying or unhelpful content, where the content is first written for search engines. What was new with this update. The December 2022 helpful content update (aka system) is a global update, impacting all languages and […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google search responds to BankRate, more brands using AI to write content

Artificial intelligence has been a scorching hot topic lately, especially since the launch of ChatGPT Nov. 30. Microsoft Bing has plans to add ChatGPT to search. Some have questioned whether it’s a Google killer. Now we’re seeing more examples of brands using AI-generated content. Bankrate is the latest example. It is having some of its content written by machines but reviewed by human editors. It’s a bold strategy. And the SEO community wanted to know Google’s policies around these efforts. Bankrate example. The example was highlighted by Tony Hill, who posted on Twitter that “, one of the largest finance […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google: Keep Your HTML Head Section Clean

Google’s John Mueller said when it comes to your HTML head section, you want to ensure that section is clean and tight. If possible, you don’t want it to have broken syntax because it can break other parts of the page and make it hard for Google to read the page and your users.