Best SEO Blogs

EU rules that Meta’s ad practices are illegal

Meta has been fined 390 million euros ($414 million) after European Union (EU) regulators found it had illegally forced users to accept personalized ads. What happened. According to the New York Times, Meta includes language in its terms of service agreement, the very lengthy statement that users must accept before accessing services like Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, which effectively means users must allow their data to be used for personalized ads or stop using Meta’s social media services altogether. Since you need to agree to the terms before using the service, users have no choice but to allow to have […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google’s “Remove redundant keywords” recommendations have changed

Advertisers running PPC ads on Google may have woken up to an email this morning outlining its new policy regarding redundant keywords. What’s changed. The “Remove redundant keywords” recommendations suggest redundant keywords within the same ad groups. You may see the notification at the top right side of your ads dashboard. But starting January 19, the recommendation can include keywords across different match types.  Now, Google will start removing redundant phrase and exact match keywords in favor of broad. Robert Brady first noticed this and posted it on Twitter. Check your email. @GoogleAds just changed the “Remove redundant keywords” recommendation […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google drops the character limit for headlines in article structured data

Google has updated the article structured data help documentation to remove the hard character limit for the headline property. Instead of Google saying there is a 110-character limit, now Google just says you should be concise with your headlines for your articles. The revision. Google’s article structured data help documentation used to write “The title of the article. The value should not exceed 110 characters.” It has been updated to say, “The title of the article. Consider using a concise title, as long titles may be truncated on some devices.” Google noted that they have “removed the 110 character limit […]

Best SEO Blogs

A 5-step framework to scale your content operations and SEO

Don’t lie. Show of hands.  How many times have you uttered the following in the last year alone?  “I can’t find any good writers.” “No one can create content as well as me.” “Content marketing / SEO doesn’t work in our niche.” “That agency just doesn’t understand our unique POV.” “I can’t publish more than X articles/mo without quality dropping.” Probably all of them at one point. Amiright?  No fingers pointed. I’ve used them all, too. But here’s the thing you need to recognize about these oft-repeated clichés:  They’re excuses. All of them. Excuses and lies we tell ourselves to […]

Best SEO Blogs

Microsoft to add ChatGPT features to Bing Search

Microsoft may be adding OpenAI’s ChatGPT features to Bing Search in the coming months. According to a report by The Information, two sources from the company is saying the company likely will be adding the popular ChatGPT AI question and answer service to Bing, Microsoft’s search engine. What is ChatGPT. OpenAI-launched chatbot ChatGPT several months ago and it has become incredibly popular across the web. Everyone, not just SEOs, are using it to get answers for homework, for writing essays and to get answers to their queries. Some have called ChatGPT the Google killer, but that may be a stretch. […]

Best SEO Blogs

4 tips to build a data-centric culture in your agency

As we ring in a new year, among your 2023 goals as an agency may be to level up your data game, deliver excellence to your current clients and stand out to prospects.  Using the following tips will help you start laying the groundwork to build a culture of data within your organization. 1. Hire expert personnel to guide your strategy Developing a solid data foundation requires experienced leadership to steer the ship. This person should be responsible for: Defining high-level agency data goals. Laying out a detailed roadmap to accomplish them.  Many companies are working off piecemeal data pipelines, […]