Best SEO Blogs

This day in search marketing history: January 2

Google’s jaw-dropping sponsored post campaign for Chrome In 2012, Google – a search engine known for fighting against paid links and “thin” content – seemed to be behind a campaign that generated both on behalf of its Chrome browser. A search for [This post is sponsored by Google] returned more than 400 pages, written apparently as part of a Google marketing campaign: Google? Buying links? It sure looked like it: It was also hypocritical because Google was paying to produce the same type of garbage that its Panda Update was designed to penalize. What was Google thinking? This was just the beginning of the […]

Best SEO Blogs

This day in search marketing history: January 1

Happy New Year! Welcome to the first installment of what will be a daily, ongoing feature here on Search Engine Land in 2023 – This day in search marketing history. Search Engine Land has been the publication of record for all things search and search marketing since launching in 2006. And the founders of that 2006 team had been reporting on and educating the industry for about a decade prior to that (at Search Engine Watch). So join us every day, as we rediscover the headlines and history of SEO, PPC and digital marketing from years gone by. Also on […]