Best SEO Blogs

This day in search marketing history: February 19

Google removes ads from right side of search results In 2016, Google removed ads from the right side of its desktop search results (with two exceptions: Product Listing Ad boxes and Knowledge panel ads) in all languages, worldwide. Google Ads would only appear at the top and/or bottom of the page. An additional ad (so, four instead of three) would appear above Google’s organic search results for what it called “highly commercial queries.” This was actually the culmination of a test that began in 2010 and ramped up significantly in 2015, mostly outside of the U.S. Google’s official statement on the […]

Best SEO Blogs

This day in search marketing history: February 18

Yahoo stops using Google search In 2004, Yahoo stopped using Google’s web search results and rolled out its own new index and ranking system. Although Yahoo had purchased Inktomi in December 2002, Yahoo opted to build its own web search engine. Yahoo still relied on Google for image search and and News search was a combination of Yahoo’s own editorial and technological resources. The quality of Yahoo’s results were impressive at the time. As for what was being indexed: “The Yahoo Search index is capturing the full text of web pages, up to a 500K limit. This is greater than […]

Best SEO Blogs

Report: Google sharing Chrome iOS search revenue with Apple

Google pays Apple a share of revenue generated from Chrome search traffic, according to a new report from The Register. Revenue share reveal. In a 356-page report, published June 10, 2022, there was a key redaction: Google pays Apple a share of the search revenue it earns from browser traffic on iOS in the following contexts: in return for being the default search provider on Safari, Google pays Apple a share of revenue derived from Safari search traffic; and pursuant to various commercial arrangements, Google pays Apple a share of revenue derived from [redacted] search traffic. – CMA, Mobile ecosystems, […]

Best SEO Blogs

Microsoft proposes AI ads in Bing

During a recent private meeting with a leading ad agency, Microsoft presented a demo of the updated Bing and revealed its intention to permit paid links within search result responses, according to an anonymous ad executive who attended the meeting. Big plans for the future. Microsoft anticipates that the Bing AI chatbot’s more human-like responses will attract a larger user base for its search feature, resulting in an increase in advertisers. Additionally, advertisements incorporated within the Bing chatbot may have a greater presence on the page compared to typical search ads. According to an ad executive who attended the meeting, […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google warns against using 403 or 404 status codes for Googlebot crawl rate limiting

Google is warning against using 404 and other 4xx client server status errors, such as 403s, for the purpose of trying to set a crawl rate limit for Googlebot. “Please don’t do that,” Gary Illyes from the Google Search Relations team wrote. Why the notice. There has been a recent increase in the number of sites and CDNs using these techniques to try to limit Googlebot crawling. “Over the last few months we noticed an uptick in website owners and some content delivery networks (CDNs) attempting to use 404 and other 4xx client errors (but not 429) to attempt to reduce Googlebot’s crawl rate,” Gary […]

Best SEO Blogs

Bing AI chat needs to stop sourcing the Bing search results

As I go down the rabbit hole of exploring the new Microsoft Bing AI with ChatGPT, I keep finding more and more interesting answers. One such example is when I ask Bing Chat a question and it sources itself as one of the answers. Yes, Bing Chat can list as a citation for an answer in its search results. So in a sense, the AI is becoming the journalists on some level. This needs to stop and stop now with Bing Chat. Examples. I posted an example on Twitter showing how I asked a question and then one of the […]

Best SEO Blogs

How the YouTube algorithm works: What marketers need to know

YouTube has the second-highest number of active users making it the world’s most popular video-first social media platform. The platform can be credited with keeping viewers engaged since its launch in 2005. Clearly, YouTube is doing something right with its algorithm, but what is it doing that’s so effective?  We wanted to find out, so we read YouTube’s creator documentation and watched a lot of content to discover how YouTube works. We also asked active creators to share how they find the YouTube algorithm in the real world. Read on to discover how the algorithm works and what you can […]

Best SEO Blogs

The big concern for publishers is when AI becomes the journalist

With all the talk of Google Bard and Microsoft’s Bing AI with ChatGPT over the past several days, we all keep thinking more and more about how search and publishing will change in the future. As we covered before, content creators are concerned about if there will be ROI in creating content that might not get clicks. When AI becomes the journalist. While that is a concern, I think the bigger concern is when AI becomes the journalist. When AI can find the sources, track the necessary data, and follow the right people to produce unique, helpful, and breaking news stories. Right now, […]

Best SEO Blogs

Scrollable & Expandable Google Knowledge Panel

Did you see the scrollable and expandable features in some user experiences with the Google Search knowledge panel and answer boxes?Well, here are examples of both – I am not sure if they are new, for some reason, I don’t think they are – but I don’t think I’ve covered it before.