Best SEO Blogs

Advanced image SEO: A secret manual

Image SEO is an intriguing niche because of the immediate impression images make when viewed.  Read on and I will share a comprehensive overview of my image SEO “secret manual.” In this article: The impact of images. Images in search: How they are processed and analyzed. Image SEO: Ranking factors and influential elements. Optimizing the image itself. Incorporating images into HTML pages. Promoting and distributing images. The impact of images Images are important because they communicate a wealth of information quickly, just with the initial view.  Logos are one example. Effective logos convey a unique identifier specific to one company. […]

Best SEO Blogs

How to write long-form content: 7 smart steps and examples

If you’re intimidated by writing any piece of content longer than 1,000 words, don’t be. Long-form content can be just as straightforward as dashing off a 500-word piece. It will take you slightly longer to do it, but there are huge benefits to reap from spending time creating long-form pieces. For one thing, longer content tends to perform better than short content. It earns more backlinks and is most likely to appear on Google’s first page.  Plus, bloggers continually report that longer content formats such as guides and ebooks are most effective. The ones who write ultra long-form posts (3,000+ […]

Best SEO Blogs

This day in search marketing history: February 6

Google AdWords announces Enhanced Campaigns In 2013, Google AdWords announced Enhanced Campaigns. This major update was designed to simplify campaign management across multiple devices and increase adoption rates of mobile advertising among small and medium-sized businesses. Among the notable changes: Tablets and desktops would be grouped together, rather than treated as separate devices. Advertisers would set a baseline bid that applied to both desktop and tablet, and then set the mobile bid as a multiplier of the desktop/tablet bid.  Targeting at the operating system level would no longer be available. Google planned to upgrade all campaigns in June 2013 (though […]

Best SEO Blogs

This day in search marketing history: February 5

Moz upgrades its Domain Authority metric In 2019, SEO tool Moz announced an update to how they measured Domain Authority (DA). Basically, DA is a score, from 0-100, that “predicts how likely a website is to rank in search engine result pages.” Curious about what changed? Read all about it in Moz upgrades controversial ‘domain authority’ metric. To be clear, Google does not use Domain Authority to determine ranking. “We don’t use domain authority at all in our algorithms,” according to a tweet. by Google’s John Mueller. I bolded that part above because the DA metric has caused confusion within […]

Best SEO Blogs

This day in search marketing history: February 4

Microsoft’s bid to buy Yahoo, Day 4 In 2008, there were some big developments following the news of Microsoft’s bid to purchase Yahoo.  Google wasn’t happy about the news. The company objected, suggesting that the move would hurt what it called the underlying principles of the internet: “openness and innovation.” There was some ironic back and forth, as Google had spent the past year arguing that it should be able to acquire DoubleClick, which Microsoft argued against because it would make Google too dominant in online advertising. Meanwhile, was Yahoo considering an alliance with Google? And why did Google CEO […]