Google Search Console breaks out Merchant listings and Product snippets appearances

Google has broken out the merchant listings and product snippet reporting into two unique appearances that you can filter on within the performance reports in Google Search Console. Google also broke these out in the Merchant listings and product snippet reports, that it launched last September.

What is new. Google said, “we are adding the ability to measure the impact of Merchant listing by splitting the Product results search appearance into two: Merchant listings and Product snippets.” You can now see how many clicks and impressions you get for those appearances/experiences independently of each other.

The new Merchant listings and Product snippets search appearances can be viewed in two places in Search Console:

Merchant listings and product snippets reports as an overlay on top of the report charts

Performance report in the search appearance tab or through a filter

What it looks like. Here is a screenshot of the performance report:

The announcement. Google announced this on Twitter, in these set of tweets:

In September, Search Console launched a new report named Merchant listings, that allows you to check the validity of your product offers for merchant listings experiences. This came in addition to the Product snippet report. Read more at 1/3

— Google Search Central (@googlesearchc) March 27, 2023

Why we care. Here is more reporting for you all to analyze and work with to implement improvements to your website on. If you have products on your site, you may see these reports and you may be able to use these to implement changes to your website that help you make for a better website and perform better in Google Search.

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Google Updates Search Console With New Merchant Reports via @sejournal, @martinibuster