Best SEO Blogs

17 tips to improve your AI-assisted content creation process

By now, we already know how AI tools like ChatGPT can aid us in content creation, keyword research and other SEO-related tasks. It’s the latest shiny object, but not without drawbacks. If you’ve started using AI tools, it’s vital to ensure your content outputs won’t get you in trouble. Follow these 17 tips to make your AI-assisted content writing process even better. 1. Use research prompts to find the best content I’ve been playing with research prompts lately, and it’s pretty interesting. Use an AI tool like ChatGPT and use the prompt: “Give me a list of the best content […]

Best SEO Blogs

How should SEO change in the new AI age?

Along with the deluge of AI tools in the market, a host of AI “experts” suddenly appeared. New litanies of “SEO is dead” and “AI will take your jobs” abound.  The reality is neither of those is true, or at least not true in the way many people are considering.  SEO is not dead, AI will not take your job People have been predicting the end of SEO as far back as the late ’90s. (I even penned a fun song to the tune of Neil Young’s “Hey Hey, My My” to poke a little fun at those predictions.)  But […]

Best SEO Blogs

This day in search marketing history: March 9

Happy Frediversary In 2017, there were strong signs of a Google algorithm ranking update that had actually started on March 7. At first, it seemed to be a spam algorithm update related to links. However, a later Search Engine Land analysis of Fred indicated that the update targeted low-value content sites that put revenue above helping their users – and that many affected sites saw up to a 90% drop in traffic. Many called this the Fred Update, which came from Google’s Gary Illyes, who had jokingly suggested that all updates be named “Fred.” It stuck with this update. Illyes wouldn’t confirm […]

Best SEO Blogs

Recession-ready your marketing strategy with personalized email campaigns by Digital Marketing Depot

In the modern e-commerce world, personalization is everything. It’s what engages customers, inspires them, and keeps them coming back. As the global economy moves closer to a recession, it’s important to apply those personalization tactics to your tried-and-true customer communication strategy — email marketing. First-party data is key to driving successful email personalization initiatives. Download this guide from Bloomreach and learn how to leverage first-party data to power your email campaigns to drive revenue and increase customer lifetime value. Visit Digital Marketing Depot to download Recession-ready Your Marketing by Doubling Down on Email. The post Recession-ready your marketing strategy with […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google AI in search: From stalling to scrambling?

Did Google move too slowly with AI and now they’re scrambling to put AI into everything? Two new reports paint two entirely different pictures of Google before – and since – the launch of ChatGPT. The Google search revolution that never happened. Two Google researchers created a chatbot that supposedly would “revolutionize the way people searched the internet and interacted with computers,” more than two years ago, as reported by The Wall Street Journal. But executives were reportedly risk-averse, fearing putting out the AI product could hurt its $200 billion+ search advertising business and its reputation. And sure enough, Google […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google rolled out new site names, favicon and sponsored label on desktop search

Google has rolled out the site names, updated favicons, and sponsored labels on desktop search after launching this on mobile search last October. Google has been testing the desktop version since last November, and now it is officially live both on desktop and mobile search. What it looks like. Here is a screenshot of the new Sitename and updated favicon in desktop search – note, the old interface just had the URL, not the site name or the favicon: Here is the “sponsored” label that replaces the “ad” label: Controlling site names. Google back in October explained that Google Search uses a number of […]

Best SEO Blogs

YouTube overlay ads are going away

YouTube has announced that it will remove overlay ads from the platform starting on April 6. According to the company, the move is in response to feedback from viewers who find these ads disruptive. The removal of overlay ads will undoubtedly enhance the viewer experience, making YouTube a more enjoyable platform for all. Why the change. The move is also a significant win for YouTube creators. Overlay ads are known to be less effective than other ad formats, such as pre-roll ads, which play before a video begins. As a result, creators often earn less revenue from overlay ads, despite […]

Best SEO Blogs

Maximizing your website tracking with Google’s Tag coverage summary

Google’s “Tag Coverage” feature now allows you to see which tags are firing on your website and which ones are not. You can access this summary from the Google tag sections of both Google Ads and Google Analytics, and through Google Tag Manager. What Tag Coverage is. Tag Coverage is a feature within Google Tag Manager that allows you to see a summary of which tags are firing and which ones are not. This feature is especially useful if you’re working with a complex website that has multiple tags or if you’ve recently made changes to your website’s tags and […]