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Google delays enforcement of Government documents and official services policy

Google is making two new updates to its Government documents and official services policy. The new changes. The date when Google will begin enforcing policy changes from March 31, 2023 to May 24, 2023. The second change is that Google is removing Germany as a region-specific exception under “Public road access fees and passes.” Google will begin enforcing the new policy globally on May 24, 2023 with full enforcement ramping up over approximately 6 weeks. The new policy. To recap the changes, the Google Ads Government documents and official services policy will undergo the following updates: The policy will be […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google March 2023 broad core update done rolling out

The Google March 2023 broad core update that started rolling out on March 15, 2023, is now officially done rolling out. The update took 13 days to roll out, beginning on March 15, 2023, and ending on March 28, 2023. The announcement. Google posted on March 28th this on the status dashboard that the update has completed rolling out: Core updates are big. In general. Google core updates are big updates and if a site is impacted by a core update, it can result in big changes to that site’s search rankings. So these updates can be substantial in terms of […]

Best SEO Blogs

Microsoft fixes data loss within Bing Webmaster Tools API

Microsoft has fixed a data loss issue within the Bing Webmaster Tools API that resulted in a week’s loss of data. That data has now been backfilled and restored and can now be accessed through the Bing Webmaster Tools API. The dates. Sometime after March 3, 2023, the Bing Webmaster Tools API stopped showing data. Glenn Gabe reported the issue to Fabrice Canel of Microsoft on March 17th. By March 20th the API started to once again show new data but it was missing a week’s worth of data, there was a data gap. Then on March 27th, Fabrice from […]

Best SEO Blogs

Core Web Vitals report within Google Search Console updated

Google has updated the Core Web Vitals report within Google Search Console. The update is around a change in the number of URLs that Google reports on within that report. Google said “because more URLs are now being reported on due to a new origin group that contains data for URLs that previously fell below the data threshold.” What changed. Google is now reporting on more URLs because of a change in a new origin group, this may result in a bunch of URLs that were previously not reported on, to now be shown in this report. This change happened […]

Best SEO Blogs

4 new rules for PPC ad creative

It’s a fascinating time to be a marketer. The advent of AI and machine learning has changed the PPC game, touching every aspect of a search marketer’s daily job. Much has been written about using AI to improve advertising performance through audience targeting or bid optimization. But another massive shift we’re seeing is AI’s impact on creative requirements for digital campaigns. In the early 2000s, digital ad campaigns primarily consisted of banner ads in standard IAB sizes built for desktops. In the 2010s, mobile device usage skyrocketed, and more mobile-friendly sizes were added. And then, social media and video ad […]

Best SEO Blogs

How to survive a Google core update and come out on top

Google updates come and go. And sometimes websites pay the price. When this happens, it can be tough when you’ve noticed a drop in rankings and traffic, but there’s nothing wrong with your site.  Core algorithm updates are one such update where this can happen.  Google’s advice? Do nothing.  Google says if a core update has impacted your site, you “don’t have anything wrong to fix.” “There’s nothing wrong with pages that may perform less well in a core update. They haven’t violated our webmaster guidelines nor been subjected to a manual or algorithmic action, as can happen to pages that do […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google Ads Editor version 2.3 is out with 12 new features

Google has just released its Ads Editor version 2.3, advertisers can take advantage of several new features and updates. Let’s see what’s new. New Features: File support for image assets: Advertisers can now conveniently import and export image assets as files in addition to using URLs. Card view for image assets: Image assets can now be viewed as cards in addition to the table view. Asset support: Full support is now available for upgraded assets such as image assets, automatically created assets, location assets, and business information assets. Legacy data will be deprecated when assets are upgraded. Primary Display Status […]