How to connect with Gen X, Millennials and Gen Z by Cynthia Ramsaran

The art of attracting and selling to customers is undergoing rapid and unprecedented transformation. To stay relevant and competitive, brands must keep up with technological advances and ever-evolving consumer behavior. However, adapting to these changes is not straightforward, as each …

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Google Discover Won’t Show Content Filtered By SafeSearch, Says Google

Google Discover generally should not show content or images that Google’s SafeSearch filter would block. Danny Sullivan, Google’s Search Liaison, said this on Twitter a few weeks ago but this was implied by previous statements from other Googlers over the …

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Microsoft Advertising Gains Campaign-Level Change History, Code-Free Conversions & Postpones Enhanced CPC

Microsoft Advertising announced many new changes and information yesterday, including a new campaign-level change history report, new code-free conversions for Smart Campaigns accounts with Multi-platform, postponing the Enhanced CPC change, and more.…

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