Brian Dean - Backlinko

10 Brilliant SEO Newsletters: Master Search From Your Inbox

SEO newsletters make it easy to keep up to date with what’s going on in the world of search engine optimization. And they show you the strategies that are working right now. To save you time (and declutter your inbox), I’ve curated a list of the top newsletters I think are worth subscribing to. After consulting my team (including some healthy debate) here’s a summary of the best SEO newsletters for different needs: Best for leveling up your SEO skills: The Backlinko newsletter Best for SEO news: #SEOFOMO Best for actionable tips: Core Updates Best for hot takes: #SEOForLunch Best […]

Brian Dean - Backlinko

9 Best Chrome Extensions for SEO: Our Top Picks

You know the saying “work smarter, not harder”? That’s what Chrome extensions can do for you. In fact, Leigh McKenzie, head of SEO at Backlinko, uses Chrome extensions to speed up many daily SEO tasks. I couldn’t work as an SEO without all of my favorite extensions. Whether it’s quickly checking a page’s meta title, tracking down a redirect chain, or reviewing data in GSC, these tools are essential for enhancing my workflow. Sold? Don’t download anything just yet. First, read our comprehensive review of the best Chrome extensions for SEO. We ranked each extension by its standout features and […]

Brian Dean - Backlinko

7 Top Google Analytics Alternatives (Free and Paid)

Let’s face it: When it comes to analytics tools, we want it all. Advanced metrics, intuitive dashboards, and seamless integrations. But we don’t always get what we want—especially as a Google Analytics 4 (GA4) user. Many marketers default to Google Analytics because it’s free and popular. But those same marketers report issues like: Steep learning curves Lack of qualitative insights Difficulty translating data into insights Ready to make the switch? We compared seven Google Analytics alternatives that provide quicker and more precise insights into your website’s performance. Learn pros, cons, and pricing to make the right decision for your business. […]

Brian Dean - Backlinko

AI Copywriting: Top 4 Tools and Best Ways to Use Them

AI copywriting involves using artificial intelligence tools to generate compelling marketing copy. With the goal of driving more sales for your business (or your client’s business). You can use it to create: Snappy taglines Persuasive product descriptions Attention-grabbing social media posts There are lots of AI copywriting tools out there. And the technology is continuously getting better, faster, and more accessible. This leaves many worrying that AI might replace human copywriters altogether. But AI isn’t there to replace copywriters. AI is there to help you become a more efficient and creative copywriter. In this guide, we’ll show you how to […]