Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…
Marketing, Music, Poetry. Science.
Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…
A few years ago, Google began displaying for some related searches (also people also ask flavors) image icons near the query refinement option. Now, it seems Google is showing a text icon for when text is found inside the refinement …
The other day I saw Paul Haahr, a Google Search engineer vet, retweet something shared by Daphne Keller, former Google Search lawyer, who shared Facebook VP’s Nick Clegg Medium piece. With me so far? Anyway, the tweet from Daphne Keller …
Sean Brattin asked Google’s John Mueller a couple of months ago if Google uses Cloud Vision AI within Google Image Search. The answer was no, but John did say that Google did talk about “about doing that in the past” …
Google first launched what it called cameos, selfie style videos from well-known people, back in 2017. Generally those shows up for people’s own knowledge panels, like you would see for a search on my name. But now, it seems Google …
There has been this ongoing bug with Google Maps / Google My Business where for some service area businesses they end up being placed in the middle of the United State of America, in Independence, Kansas. I am not sure …
A webmaster asked on Twitter if having “a lot of bot traffic coming in” and if that bot traffic is “tagged under organic traffic, will this have an adverse any effect or does google ignore this.” The answer is no, …
It was yet another busy month in terms of Google algorithm updates, all of which are unconfirmed. But we had six, maybe seven, unconfirmed updates in March. This is all while we wait for the next Google core update. The …
I met up with the Director of SEO and Marketing of AJH Co, Fay Friedman, in a nice park in New Jersey named Branch Brook Park. Fay has been doing SEO now for over 10 years for a multitude of …
Despite all of Google’s efforts to remove and prevent vaccine misinformation, some do slip through the cracks. Here is one example that was spotted by a former Googler who is now the California Chief Technology Innovation Officer at the California …
Google announced it has begun testing FLoC, Federated Learning of Cohorts, in Chrome. Specifically the FLoC origin trial in Chrome 89 will work on websites that don’t opt out of it.
If you go to Google on desktop or mobile and search for [easter] and/or [passover] you will get a special theme in the search results. This is similar to the themes Google has for the holidays when you search for …
Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…
Rand Fishkin posted on Twitter several updated stats and information around his most recent zero-click search study. There are some interesting tidbits in this update but more importantly, I think if Rand can take the industry feedback and work to …