Many of the Google Search ranking volatility tracking tools are showing a spike in volatility over the past day or so. But I need to say that the chatter is pretty limited, relatively limited, compared to what the tools are …
Google Tests From Sources Across The Web Overlay
Google seems to be testing a new user experience for the “from sources across the web” search feature. Instead of showing a carousel or content on the search results page, Google is testing popping up an overlay that you can …
Google Ads Enabling Broad Match By Default For New Search Campaigns
Google now enables broad match by default when you create new search campaigns within Google Ads. Previously, this was not on by default, but now it is, according to Thomas Eccel, a Google Ads consultant.…
Bing Search Now Shows Coupons In The Explore Menu
Bing Search is now showing coupons deeper in the search results interface, where you now need to click (or hover over) the explore menu icon to see them. Previously, Bing would show these as buttons or labels under the search …
Google Tests Shifting Google Logo Right In Search Results
Google is testing shifting the Google logo on the search results page to the right. Instead of it showing on the left with nothing below it, Google shifted it to the right, aligned left with the search result listings.…
Daily Search Forum Recap: July 9, 2024
Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.
Last night……
Bing Search Tests Labeling Images With Nutrition Details
Bing is testing adding nutritional details to images in its search results. It includes labeling food products with “high calcium,” “lean protein,” “anti-inflammatory,” and other labels.…
Google Search Extracts Composite Images With Trained Algorithmic Media Types
Google Search now supports a new IPTC digital source type for images which seems to be about reading if an image was made in help with AI. Google added compositeWithTrainedAlgorithmicMedia to the IPTC photo metadata documentation this morning.…
Google Tests Country Label In Search Result Snippets
Google may be testing showing which country the site operates in with a country label attached to the search result snippet. In the example below, Google is showing a “South African” label with the country flag and the country written …
Google Ads Changes Its Mind – Will Not Allow Opioid Painkillers Ads
Last month we reported that Google Ads began to allow some ads for opioid painkillers, like to discuss awareness and abuse. Well, Google decided to “indefinitely pausing this policy update” and not allow search ads for opioid painkillers.…
Google Ads & Google Merchant Center Country of Sale Migrating To New Feed Label
A couple of years ago, I reported that Google has changed how your feeds work in Merchant Center for countries by removing the need to list a primary country and additional countries and replacing them with target countries. Now Google …
Google Search Bug: Not Indexing or Serving New Content Again
Google Search is currently having yet another indexing bug, similar to what Google Search experienced just about two weeks ago on June 20th. Google is not indexing new content that was recently published in the past hour or so.…
Daily Search Forum Recap: July 8, 2024
Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.
I’m seeing more Google Search weekend volatility – something is up (or down)……
YouTube Traffic Sources Affect Same Traffic Sources, Not Different Traffic Sources
I don’t cover YouTube SEO here much but I found a post from the YouTube Liaison talking about how traffic sources are impacted. In short, the YouTube home page recommendations are affected by viewers watching videos from the home page …
Google Maps Add Stop Advertisements
Did you know that Google Maps can suggest that you add a stop along the way as an advertisement or sponsored route along the way? It pops up as you are driving and asks you if you want to “Add …
Google: Ranking For Unrelated Keywords In Search? Make Your Titles & Content Clearer
Have you ever had a site that ranks for unrelated keywords, queries you do not want to rank for? John Mueller from Google said if you do, maybe you should make your title and content clearer if they are too …
Google Search Console New Owner Notifications Bug?
There are numerous reports of Google sending out email notifications about there being new owners added to your Search Console profiles. The new owner notification emails have been going out since Friday of last week or so and seem to …