Best SEO Blogs

Google Ads Lead Form Now Triggers On Headline Click

Google launched lead form extensions in 2019 as a beta and then expanded it more over the years. Heck, they even beta tested a form of lead forms via Google Ads in 2011. In any event, Google just updated the lead forms to trigger when you tap or click on the headline of the ad, as opposed to a sublink.

Best SEO Blogs

Google Video On Image SEO In Detail With 12 Tips

Google’s John Mueller released an almost 10 minute long video on image SEO best practices and tips. It is one of the more detailed image SEO presentations I’ve seen from Google. He lists off 12 specific actionable tips and then talks more about implementation and measurement.

Best SEO Blogs

Ten Years of Positioning Strategy & Creative Brief Research

I cataloged and classified corporate marketing positioning and delivery (creative treatments) over a roughly 35 year period. I did this as both research for a book I began writing and haven’t finished, and to serve as a “cheat sheet” for marketing classes I taught. A great marketer is deep enough to have profound insight into human nature, but shallow enough to use it for financial gain. My inner Mr. Hyde Positioning Strategies As AL Ries and Jack Trout established, Positioning is the image of a product in the mind of the consumer, and is expressed relative to the position of […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google Search Prefers To Neutralize The Effect Of Spam

Ever since Penguin 4.0, we know Google preferred to ignore bad links versus penalize those bad links. Well, that applies to other search spam as well. Google’s John Mueller said the other day on Twitter that “if we can neutralize the effect of bad links, that’s enough; there’s no need to remove the site completely from search then.”

Best SEO Blogs

How to promote your music on YouTube

Optimize your YouTube channel to grow your audience The first big question about promoting your music on YouTube is: why? Why do the work of creating a channel, optimizing it, and building a brand on YouTube? The answer: 2 billion. That’s how many users log into YouTube per month, accumulating billions of video views each day. And that number only counts active accounts, not people who watch videos on the platform without a Google account. According to a 2019 Dataportal study, 79% of Internet users say they have a YouTube account. That makes it the second most popular social media […]