Best SEO Blogs

Music publishing explained

What is music publishing? Music publishing is the exploitation of a song’s composition copyright. The composition of a song is the lyrics and melody as written by one or more songwriters. This is an important distinction to make between the two types of copyright we covered in our Copyright 101 guide: the difference between the composition copyright and the sound recording copyright. Music publishing only relates to the composition. Are you a songwriter, producer, beatmaker, composer, or lyricist with ownership over your compositions? If so, read on to learn how to earn the most money from your songs. What types […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google March 2021 Search Ranking Algorithm Update

I have yet another unconfirmed Google search ranking update to report on. This was started around March 2nd towards the evening and continues through March 3rd. There was a nice amount of chatter over a 24-hour period and then it seems to have died down a bit. Many of the tools also picked up on this update.

Best SEO Blogs

March 2021 Google Webmaster Report

Here is the monthly Google Webmaster Report where I sum up the more important topics webmasters and SEOs care about when it comes to Google organic search. This past month was super busy with numerous unconfirmed updates, passage ranking rolling out, the upcoming page experience update and mobile-first indexing and so much more.

Best SEO Blogs

Poll: Is There A Shortage Of SEO Talent?

Abby Reimer posted a Twitter poll that asks is there a shortage of SEO talent available on the market. The poll is open for the next several hours, so please take it. It does seem like there are a lot of jobs on the market currently hiring SEOs but that is not based on any data collection process.