Best SEO Blogs

Microsoft Bing Search More Visual Updates

Microsoft Bing announced a slew of “visually immersive” upgrades to the search results interface. This includes updates to how it shows recipe results, image search similar looking items, expandable search result carousels, infographic knowledge panels and the local answers details.

Best SEO Blogs

CD Baby Artist Payout Increases 26% in 2020 [Infographic]

CD Baby paid musicians more than $126,000,000 in 2020. Artists and labels using CD Baby for worldwide music distribution, monetization, and promotion were collectively paid $126,782,389 in 2020, a 26% increase over 2019’s payout of $100,953,195. That’s an encouraging indicator of the health of the independent music sector, especially given that this growth occurred during a year defined by a global pandemic. If you’re an artist, it’s also a good reminder to professionalize all your music rights and fully monetize your music. This includes publishing administration, YouTube Content ID, sync licensing, and more. CD Baby offers all those services, we […]

Best SEO Blogs

New Google Ads Evasive Ad Content Policy

Google is starting a new Google Ads content policy called “Evasive Ad Content.” Evasive Ad Content will extend the prohibited manipulations of trademark terms in ad text to domains, subdomains, and logos; prohibit usage of invisible UNICODE characters in ads that add no value to the ad content for users; and disallow manipulations of images or videos to hide policy violating content.

Best SEO Blogs

Google Rolls Out New Key Moment Videos Interface

Google seems to be rolling out a new interface for key moments videos they have been testing for maybe a year now? The results show the location of the key moment but also add the text from the video of what that section is about. It use to show video clips or thumbnails from that section of the video but now it shows text.