Best SEO Blogs

Here’s what every artist wants…

Every musician wants FANS! (But they don’t invent themselves.) There’s a movie where a ghost tells a guy to build a baseball diamond in the middle of a cornfield, promising that when he does, thousands of sports fans — and a few more ghosts — will show up and pay the guy money. Sounds great, right? Except nothing like that has ever happened in real life. Not in baseball, and not in music. Okay, sure, Woodstock might be the closest thing, but even that required a big promotion effort. New listeners have to be found and converted. Every artist wants […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google Rolling Out Continuous Scroll On Mobile Search Results

Google announced yesterday that it is rolling out what they are calling “continuous scrolling” on the mobile search results. Google is not calling it infinite scroll, because the scroll does not infinitely scroll, it should stop after page four or so – but nevertheless there is a continuous scroll being rolled out on mobile.