Best SEO Blogs

Google Ads Now Has Asset Library

Google Ads is rolling out or now has the Google Creative Studio’s asset library feature directly in Google Ads. I believe Brett Bodofsky was one of the first to share this on Twitter and George Nguyen confirmed it with Google a couple weeks ago.

Best SEO Blogs

Top Contributors To The Search Engine Roundtable In 2021

As you all know, I source a lot of forums and Twitter threads here for the stories that I write. Without the amazing individuals that make up the search industry, this site would not exist. In fact, when I started this site over 18 years ago, its purpose was to cover what the community is buzzing about and this site remains true to that today.

Best SEO Blogs

Counterintuitive SEO Recommendations Thread

A couple of months ago, Aleyda Solis posted a thread on Twitter (I was waiting for a slow week to post it here) asking “what’s the most counterintuitive SEO recommendation/implementation you’ve done that actually made sense in the context you were working and paid off as you expected?”