Best SEO Blogs

Googler Says Web 3.0 Won’t Kill SEO

All the craze right now is Web3 or Web 3.0, the new iteration of the World Wide Web based on the blockchain, which incorporates concepts including decentralization and token-based economics. And some are concerned it will kill SEO, that Web 3.0 will be the final nail in the coffin for SEO.

Best SEO Blogs

How Musicians Should Use Social Media in 2022

There was a time not long ago when all a musician needed to keep in touch with their fans was a simple website and an email list. And then in 2005 MySpace introduced the term “social media” to the masses, and musicians joined in droves. While primitive by today’s standards, MySpace was a pivotal social media platform for musicians. Artists could upload songs, post photos and announce tour dates, all while their fans followed their every move. And then just as quickly as it arrived, MySpace ceded all of its popularity to the Social Network: Facebook. For over a decade […]