Best SEO Blogs

Big Keynote Announcement!

We’re thrilled to announce the pillars of the 2022 DIY Musician Conference. Yes, there are dozens of workshops and mentor sessions planned this year, each of them giving you a chance to go deep on specific strategies, platforms, or techniques. But we also think it’s crucial to explore some of the big, universal questions: How can my music make a lasting impact and emotional connection? How can I stay inspired, challenged, and evolving as an artist? How do I become a more charismatic performer? How will “the industry” and audiences respond to my music? That’s why we’re hosting these 5 […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google: Removal Of Nazi Stuff In Google Search Results Is A Priority

Last Thursday, June 30th, a lot of folks across social media began to talk about how a search for [desk ornament] in Google Image Search brought up Swastikas, German Nazi items and more really horrible items. Danny Sullivan from Google escalated the issue to the Google Search team and said this is a priority for Google to fix. But just almost a week later, the results seem to still appear.

Best SEO Blogs

Reminder: Don’t Markup 3rd Party Reviews With Structured Data

As a reminder, back in 2016, Google updated its guidelines for using schema markup on your site with third-party reviews. Google reminded us in 2018 that this is not in accordance with their rich results guidelines. And now, John Mueller of Google reminded us again – he said “You can’t mark up 3rd party reviews with structured data.”

Best SEO Blogs

Songwriters & Publishers Get a Streaming Raise

CRB sticks by initial ruling on mechanical royalty increase. In 2018, the Copyright Royalty Board made an important decision regarding songwriters and publishers in the digital age. Streaming services should raise the mechanical royalty rate from 10.5% to 15.1%. This increase would happen gradually between 2018 and 2022. However, Spotify, Amazon, Google, and Pandora contested the decision. They argued that increased payments would make their model unsustainable, as they already pay billions in royalties. This lead to a long appeals process that has finally ended. The CRB announced it will stand by the initial ruling. And there is more good […]