Best SEO Blogs

21 PPC lessons learned in the age of machine learning automation

What you’re about to read is not actually from me. It’s a compilation of PPC-specific lessons learned by those who actually do the work every day in this age of machine learning automation. Before diving in, a few notes: These are “lessons already learned.” Things change (the platforms giveth, taketh, and sometimes just plain change the way campaigns need to be managed). Below are a mix of strategic, tactical, and “mindset-approach” based lessons. Lesson 1: Volume is critical to an automated strategy It’s simple, a machine cannot optimize toward a goal if there isn’t enough data to find patterns. For […]

Best SEO Blogs

How I earned a knowledge panel without a Wikipedia page

Knowledge panels are one of the most coveted, yet mysterious elements in organic search. Brands desire to have their own robust Knowledge Panel entry, but are left with little to no control over what appears in them.  By this point, we should all have a basic understanding of entities within Google’s Knowledge Graph. Consider that required reading for this article. Where does Google pull entity data from? We all know that Google pulls information from their Knowledge Graph for knowledge panels, but where do they pull information for the Knowledge Graph?  Technically, Google can use information from any crawlable website […]

Best SEO Blogs

Responsive Search Ads take center stage – are you prepared?

Responsive Search Ads – RSA for short – are not the new kids on the block. RSAs have been a part of the PPC ecosystem for a few years. That being said, RSAs have been a hot topic in 2022. Why all the hubbub about them now? This summer, the preceding ad type, Expanded Text Ads, is being deprecated. This puts Responsive Search Ads front and center for advertisers as the singular text ad type for search campaigns. Let’s dig in a little bit deeper on RSAs, the change and how you can maximize your potential with RSAs. Why RSAs […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google search quality rater guidelines update: What has changed

Google has made a variety of significant updates to its Search Quality Rater Guidelines. The most significant overhauls were to Google’s definitions of YMYL (Your Money, Your Life), and the extent to which E-A-T matters as a matter of page quality. Google provided new, clear definitions for what it means for content to be YMYL, mostly framed around the extent to which the content can cause harm to individuals or society. Google also provided a new table establishing clear examples of what it means for content to be YMYL or not. In the newest update to the guidelines, Google also […]

Best SEO Blogs

Webinar: The genius behind QR-code marketing

QR codes are shaking up the marketing world (did you see that Coinbase Superbowl commercial?). This seminar will teach you everything you need to know about how QR codes can be used to unlock mobile engagement and revenue, channel attribution, and first-party data in a cookieless world. Join QR marketing expert Brian Klais, CEO of URLgenius, to learn enterprise-grade QR strategies and best practices you won’t hear anywhere else and change how you think about QR code opportunities. Register today for “Unlock the Cutting-Edge Potential of QR Codes” presented by URLgenius. The post Webinar: The genius behind QR-code marketing appeared […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google search quality raters guidelines updated today

Google has updated its search quality raters guidelines today, this is an update from the October 2021 update. You can download the full 167-page PDF raters guidelines over here. This version has refreshed language in the new overview section, a refined YMYL section, with more on low-quality content, YMYL, E-A-T, and more. What is new. Google posted these bullet points on what is new on the last page of this PDF. Refreshed language to be aligned with the newly published Search Quality Rater Guidelines: An Overview Refined YMYL to focus on topics that require a high level of accuracy to […]

Best SEO Blogs

Neeva shares search rating guidelines for technical queries

Neeva has revealed how it instructs human evaluators to rate its search results, specifically for technical queries.  Like Google (which, coincidentally, updated their quality rater guidelines today), Neeva uses human raters to assess the quality of its search results. The guidelines break down into three key areas: query understanding, page quality rating and page match rating.  Query understanding. This is all about figuring out the intent behind the user’s search query. Neeva breaks down the types of queries into the following categories: How to: User is searching for instructions to complete a task. Error/troubleshooting: Something went wrong, user is searching […]