Best SEO Blogs

TikTok’s history of low Creator Fund payouts has some leaving the platform for good

Creators on TikTok are becoming increasingly unhappy about how much they’re being paid from the platforms Creator fund.  A pattern of unhappy creators. There have been several creators that have criticized TikTok for low payouts since the platform pledged to pay out a total of $1 billion over a three-year period. In reality, creators like Hank Green claim they’re paid between $0.02 – $0.03 per one thousand video views. To put that intp perspective, YouTube creators claim that they are paid roughly $1 per every one thousand views.  In 2021 Kevin Yatsushiro created a video on TikTok that went viral […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google starts automatically upgrading Smart Shopping campaigns to Performance Max

Google has begun to roll out automatic updates converting Smart Shopping campaigns into Performance Max.  The details. For most advertisers, the updates will finish in September. Google will send a notification about 2-3 weeks before the updates take effect and provide a specific date when your campaigns will be converted. But some Smart Shopping campaigns using features like vehicle ads will be completed in early 2023.  Learning and history concerns. Google says when your campaigns are self-upgraded using the tool or automatically upgraded, learnings from your previous Smart Shopping campaigns carry over to your new Performance Max campaigns to maintain […]

Best SEO Blogs

LinkedIn Business Manager is now in public beta

The creation of LinkedIn Business Manager was announced in June and finally rolled out yesterday for public beta. How it works. The new business manager dashboard allows advertisers who manage multiple ad accounts to grant access to ad accounts and pages, create and edit campaigns, manage pages, and create reports. Matched Audiences. Matched audiences allow you to retarget your website visitors, and upload lists of accounts or emails to target within LinkedIn. Through the new Business Manager, you can share those matched audiences across all accounts.  Start using LinkedIn Business Manager. You can create a Business Manager account here. When […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google Search people also ask feature returns to normal

Google seems to have restored the people also ask search feature to normal levels of saturation. Earlier this month, Google reduced the number of times a people also ask box would show up in Google Search by about 30 percentage points. As of this morning, the people also ask search box is now showing up again for about 60% of desktop queries. What is people also ask. People also ask is a search feature in Google that shows other queries or questions people enter into Google Search. Those questions can be expanded to show more questions and answers to those questions. […]

Best SEO Blogs

How building an audience framework can improve your PPC campaigns

PPC advertising has always been about delivering the right message to the right person at the right time. Even today. But how do you ensure that you are targeting the best people and that the messaging is outstanding? Audience definition and development should be at the core of every PPC strategy All of your tactics, including account structure, keywords, bidding, and everything else, should support your audience framework.  Consumers are overwhelmed with a barrage of advertising. Americans see thousands of ads per day. Brands are constantly clamoring for more attention. At some point, all of this becomes noise to overwhelmed […]

Best SEO Blogs

4 tips to maximize your ad spend and protect the customer experience

When an economic downturn strikes, what’s the first thing you do?  Eliminate wasteful spending.  As marketers, we know well that our budgets are the first to get cut. Marketing is notoriously undervalued, even though research shows that companies who didn’t cut their marketing spend during a recession actually bounced back more strongly than those who did.   However, this doesn’t change the fact that we all have a target on our backs, no matter our talent or seniority. And now that we’ve officially entered a bear market, uncertainties will only continue to grow. Regardless of your budget or headcount, it’s essential […]