Best SEO Blogs

Thanksgiving Holiday Google Search Ranking Algorithm Update – Maybe…

For the past several weekends, I’ve been reporting about a Google search ranking algorithm update that hit on a Friday and continued throughout the weekend. Well, last weekend was the Thanksgiving holiday in the US and I did see some signs of a possible Google Search ranking algorithm update – but truth is, it is unlikely that Google pushed something out on a Friday of Thanksgiving.

Best SEO Blogs

Bing Tests Favicons In Front Of People Also Ask

Microsoft Bing is testing placing a favicon or icon of some sort in front of the people also ask results. The screenshot example below is from Frank Standtmann, a German-based SEO, who showed Wikipedia and other sites’ favicon being placed before the people also ask results in Bing’s search results.

Best SEO Blogs

Rich results: 22 things every SEO pro needs to know

Rick and Morty.  Hall and Oates.  Coffee and bourbon.  Rich results and structured data.  All four: iconic duos. But only one can generate over $80k in revenue once added to your website.  On May 17, 2016, Google introduced the concept of “rich cards.” Google has revived rich cards into what SEO professionals call rich results today. Rich results were created to make a more engaging experience on Google’s search result pages.  The result of rich results is a crowd-pleasing SEO tactic that produces an average of 58 clicks per 100 queries. Rich results are a dry and smooth SEO move, […]

Best SEO Blogs

When to fire your content marketing agency: 7 things to consider

You hired your content marketing agency in good faith.  You had every hope they would soon start producing fantastic content for your brand or your clients’ brands. That content would help build awareness around the brand, pull in more traffic, and generate more leads. But your hope started to fizzle as months passed with little to no changes in awareness, traffic, search engine rankings, or conversions. What gives? Is it time to fire your content marketing agency and move on? Hold up. Not so fast. It might be time to say goodbye. But you might also need to take a […]