Best SEO Blogs

This day in search marketing history: January 16

Top Story In 2017, Google’s Gary Illyes explained what crawl budget is, how crawl rate limits work, what crawl demand is and what factors impact a site’s crawl budget. As Illyes explained, most sites don’t need to worry about crawl budget. “Prioritizing what to crawl, when, and how much resource the server hosting the site can allocate to crawling is more important for bigger sites, or those that auto-generate pages based on URL parameters,” Illyes said. More from Illyes: Crawl rate limit is designed to help Google not crawl your pages too much and too fast where it hurts your […]

Best SEO Blogs

This day in search marketing history: January 15

Facebook Graph Search arrives In 2013, Facebook announced a new experience that it called Graph Search. Facebook Graph Search relied heavily on Likes and other connections to determine what to show as the most relevant search results for each user. At launch, Facebook Graph Search only included people, photos, places and interests. Facebook Graph Search wasn’t a traditional web search engine like Google or Bing. It was a new type of search – a social search engine. Although Facebook was already using Bing for web search results at that time. Dig deeper: Facebook Graph Search Arrives To Challenge Google, Yelp, Foursquare & Others […]

Best SEO Blogs

This day in search marketing history: January 14

R.I.P. AMP In 2022, we revealed what happened when Search Engine Land shut off AMP. TL;DR: “We have seen very little disruption to our traffic and have reaped the benefit of having a clearer picture of our audience analytics.” We didn’t see any year-over-year declines in traffic that we could tie to AMP aside from the loss of pageviews to a handful of pieces that routinely spike for organic traffic. Why did Search Engine Land shut off AMP? As we explained in We’re turning off AMP pages at Search Engine Land, it was due to competition in Top Stories (after […]

Best SEO Blogs

AI content: Is it helpful or spam?

When Google announced the helpful content update, many in the SEO industry expected AI-generated content to get hit hard.  I was expecting AI-generated content to get wiped out by this supposedly sweeping update, comparable to 2011’s Panda algorithm update. Yet, no major impact was recorded.  Soon after, Google released the October 2022 spam update and that’s when we saw websites using AI content affected, although not as dramatically. What happened? Let me take a few steps back. Another vicious Panda attack? Back in 2011, content farms were a serious problem. Many companies like Demand Media made a fortune by mass-producing […]

Best SEO Blogs

Does Google Conduct Link Buying Sting Operations? They Don’t Need To.

A Reddit thread asks if Google engages in link-buying sting operations where they will pretend to want to buy a link and then use that to penalize the network. John Mueller of Google responded by saying “I get sent offers all the time, to an official Google email address.” That means, Google does not need to proactively do that, they come to Google without any official or necessary operation.