Best SEO Blogs

Case study: Are indented search results on Google actually hurting your business?

Google reinstated indented search results at the end of 2021. Indented search results are when Google shows additional page(s) from the same domain that it thinks are relevant to your query. These usually occur on Page 1.   Many people might think having two search results on Page 1 is a good thing, but I will show you why I don’t agree. Keyword optimization  As SEO strategists, we are optimizing certain pages to appear for a keyword or query. In the case of indented search results, pages you did not intend to appear are also showing up for that query.  What if […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google Business Profiles to stop allowing price ranges on products on February 15

Google Business Profiles will only allow product pricing when the price is a single price, not a range of prices, starting on February 15, 2023. Also, Google said that it will no longer allow custom call to actions in Google Business Profiles. Google’s message. Google posted a message in the Google Business Profile products section that reads, “Price ranges and specifying a custom call to action will no longer be supported from Feb 15, 2023. Current price ranges will be removed and all landing pages will have a “Visit site” label.” What it looks like. Darren Shaw shared this screenshot […]

Best SEO Blogs

TikTok, Facebook and beyond: Driving ROAS outside of Google and Microsoft

Search is amazing – and there are compelling reasons why it is the cornerstone of all of our media plans:  It’s extremely targeted, reaching exactly the people who are looking for our content, so they can be served with highly targeted ads.  It’s highly transparent – you can see the exact performance metrics. It’s very measurable, especially when you use a tool like Google Analytics.  Of great value to many, the creative needs are far less demanding. It helps not to worry about images, video assets or animations. Clients love it for these reasons, too. Especially when considering last-click attribution and […]

Best SEO Blogs

3 growth paths in 2023 with Google Ads by Adthena

With continuous Google algorithm updates and feature changes, paid search marketers live in a world where their efforts to generate clicks or conversions are constantly disrupted. Add the layer of economic uncertainty to the table; now, revenue is at the top of everyone’s list of priorities. Now is the time to power into 2023 the right way by being in control of your Google Ads performance and outcomes. Join Ashley Fletcher, VP of marketing at Adthena, in this insightful SMX Next presentation to understand how to identify where you can reduce your marketing costs and increase profitability without hurting revenue. […]

Best SEO Blogs

This day in search marketing history: January 11

The mobile intrusive interstitials penalty In 2017, Google started rolling out the mobile intrusive interstitials penalty. In August 2016, Google announced plans to lower the rankings of pages “where content is not easily accessible to a user on the transition from the mobile search results” – and that crackdown would begin on Jan. 10, 2017. Why did Google do this? They believed this type of ad was “problematic” on mobile devices with smaller screens. Google explained which types of interstitials were going to be problematic, including: Showing a popup that covers the main content, either immediately after the user navigates […]