Best SEO Blogs

This day in search marketing history: January 28

Google begins experimenting with featured snippets in 2014, Google started answering complex questions at the top of its search results with detailed responses (or answers) taken from websites. Does that sound like featured snippets? It should. Because it was. We know from Google that featured snippets were introduced in January 2014. We don’t know the official date Google began testing it, but this was the day Search Engine Land first reported on the new search feature. We didn’t yet know these answers were called “featured snippets,” but clearly that’s what we were seeing. All Google would say at the time […]

Best SEO Blogs

Yandex ‘leak’ reveals 1,922 search ranking factors

A former employee allegedly leaked a Yandex source code repository, part of which contained more than 1,900 factors the search engines uses for ranking search results. Why we care. This leak has revealed 1,922 ranking factors Yandex used in its search algorithm, at least as of July 2022. Perhaps Martin MacDonald put it best on Twitter today: “The Yandex hack is probably the most interesting thing to have happened in SEO in years.” Yandex is not Google. If you plan to read the full list of Yandex ranking factors, remember that Yandex is not Google. If you see a ranking factor […]

Best SEO Blogs

Daily Search Forum Recap: January 27, 2023

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web. Google Ads now supports negative keywords on the account level. SEOs trust YMYL content less if AI writes it…

Best SEO Blogs

Google Account-level negative keywords are here

To prevent unwanted impressions or clicks from certain search terms across multiple campaigns, advertisers can create a negative keyword list at the account level and then apply it to relevant campaigns. This will save you the effort of adding the same negative keywords to individual campaigns and make it easier to manage future changes to negative keywords across campaigns. How it works. Creating a list of negative keywords allows you to block your ads from showing for specific irrelevant terms for your brand, making it easier for your ads to reach your desired audience and resulting in more successful conversions. […]

Best SEO Blogs

Where should you spend your SEO budget?

Incoming links, or backlinks, still matter for SEO. But they are becoming less important for Google. We know the latter to be true since Googlers have reiterated this for years. In November, Duy Nguyen from Google’s search quality team expressed the same, while explaining why link building campaigns are a waste of time and money and indicating where to allocate your SEO spend instead:  “…you probably should not waste your money in spamming links. That money is much needed in creating a great website with great user experience and helpful content.” However, I don’t think spending 100% of your SEO […]

Best SEO Blogs

Moving on from search engine optimization to search optimization

In the early 2000s, web search was mostly limited to search engines and online directories available at the time. But we have come a long way since then.  Optimizing for search remains important today. But users no longer solely rely on traditional search engines to look up information.  I believe it’s time for SEO professionals to think beyond Google and search engines and start looking at search holistically. Beyond Google: The reality of today’s search landscape As the competition online increases, the best way to do right by our clients is to ensure we’re working to improve their visibility, not […]

Best SEO Blogs

How to build a winning SEO tool stack for 2023

SEO professionals can access many free and paid platforms, tools, and software. But if you and your competitors are all using the same tools, data, and approaches – how can you set yourself apart? At SMX Next, I shared the SEO tools that will make up my toolkit in 2023. If you missed the session, read on as I share some highlights. Before we dive in, it’s worth noting that true to the fast pace of SEO, there’s already been a change in how you might think of one of the tools – but we’ll get to that shortly. So […]