Best SEO Blogs

Google Search Install Mobile App Feature Needs Deep Linking

In the latest Google SEO office hours session, Gary Illyes answered how Google decides when to show links in Google Search to a company’s mobile app. The short answer is deep linking; if Google can find there is an official app for that company or product, it will find it through deep linking and associate that to your knowledge graph.

Best SEO Blogs

This day in search marketing history: March 12

Google publishes video of search quality meeting In 2012, Google shared a video from one of its search quality meetings – something that few outsiders had ever seen. Google annotated the video to make the conversation more understandable to the general public, as well as explain more about the particular feature that was being discussed, a change to how it handles spelling corrections. “I got to attend one last October, and it was one of the most fascinating, interesting things I’ve witnessed in my nearly 16 years of covering search,” wrote Search Engine Land’s Editor-in-Chief Danny Sullivan. “I watched many […]

Best SEO Blogs

This day in search marketing history: March 11

Google officially acquires DoubleClick In 2008, the European Commission approved Google’s acquisition of DoubleClick, valued at $3.1 billion. The commission found that the “transaction would be unlikely to have harmful effects on consumers, either in ad serving or in intermediation in online advertising markets.” The deal was first announced April 13, 2007. The EU began its investigation in November 2007. The US Federal Trade Commission approved the purchase in December 2007. In 2008, display advertising represented about 32% of total US online advertising (roughly $6.7 billion), according to the IAB. Read all about it: EU Approves Google-DoubleClick Acquisition Google: It’s Official, We Own DoubleClick […]

Music Marketing Blogs

Spotify’s Powerful New Tools to Grow Your Fanbase Music Marketing Blog

What are the new tools being introduced within Spotify for Artists? This week Spotify unveiled a bunch of features for musicians who want to reach new listeners and deepen the connection with their existing audience. You probably already know you can sell merch and list concert dates on your Spotify profile, or pitch your upcoming release to Spotify’s editorial team, but these newest features take things to a whole new level. And to answer the question upfront for CD Baby clients, we’re working directly with Spotify to enable these features for you (as long as your tracks meets the given […]

Music Marketing Blogs

Spotify’s Powerful New Tools to Grow Your Fanbase Music Marketing Blog

What are the new tools being introduced within Spotify for Artists? This week Spotify unveiled a bunch of features for musicians who want to reach new listeners and deepen the connection with their existing audience. You probably already know you can sell merch and list concert dates on your Spotify profile, or pitch your upcoming release to Spotify’s editorial team, but these newest features take things to a whole new level. And to answer the question upfront for CD Baby clients, we’re working directly with Spotify to enable these features for you (as long as your tracks meets the given […]

Best SEO Blogs

Meta pauses bonus payouts to Reels creators

Meta has announced that it will temporarily halt bonus payouts for creators on its video-sharing platform, Reels. The decision is due to the company’s effort to invest more in building features and tools that will improve the overall experience for Reels users. What’s happening. The pause on bonus payouts will affect Reels creators who have received payments for reaching specific milestones or for producing content that resonates with audiences. However, this does not mean that creators will not be able to earn money on Reels. Meta will continue to pay creators for the content they produce through its existing revenue-sharing […]

Best SEO Blogs

Do personas REALLY matter in content marketing?

Do you know who you’re selling to – and, by extension, who you’re targeting in your content marketing? If you’re building a content strategy, you probably have done audience research to figure those things out. And, if you’ve done audience research, you’ve probably heard of personas, too. A persona is a content strategy tool used to understand your audience on a deeper level and position all of your content so it speaks to them effectively. A persona is incredibly useful because it represents the conglomeration of a lot of thought, research, conversations, data, and insights on the most important consideration […]

Best SEO Blogs

SEO is alive and kicking in 2023 – and beyond

Demand for SEO has been growing yearly based on Google Trends and Exploding Topics data. For many businesses, organic search reach is still a significant source of traffic, leads and sales. Despite this, there’s no visible optimism within the industry. Some say the brewing economic crisis will hit the SEO industry first and hardest, with a few high-level firings of top SEO executives and industry leaders having fueled such fears. This reminds me of a famous quotation on optimism vs. pessimism attributed to Henry Ford:  “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.” A self-fulfilling […]