Best SEO Blogs

Google’s interest-based ad experiments show ad spend, click-through rates down slightly

Results from a Google experiment showed that interest-based audience solutions performed reasonably well compared to third-party cookies. The results. The results were compared using interest-based audience (IBA) solutions with privacy-preserving signals on the display network, Google Display Ads advertiser spending on IBA, as a proxy for scale reached (meaning that a particular metric or value is being used to estimate or represent the extent or level of impact achieved in a specific context. In this case, it indicates that the given metric serves as an indirect measure to help understand the overall reach or success of a particular aspect being […]

Best SEO Blogs

How to set up an offline conversion import from Salesforce into Google Ads

So you’re a paid search advertiser with a lead generation client. You’ve been reporting on total leads generated by paid search each month, but now your client wants to know about the quality of the leads your campaigns are providing. Gulp!  If your client has Salesforce as their customer relationship management (CRM) system, you can link Salesforce directly to Google Ads and help answer that exact question.  You’ll be able to: See which leads have closed. See how much revenue each lead has brought in. Report on metrics such as average order value (AOV)/return on ad spend (ROAS). Automatically share […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google adds new return policy structured data support for merchant listing

Google has documented new return policy information in the product structured data help section specific for merchant listings. This addition came on the same day that Google began showing shipping and return information in its search results. What is new. Google posted a new returns section to the structured data type definitions within the product structured data document. This is for merchant listings, not yet product snippets, and these new properties types apply to merchant listing experiences. You can use the following nerw properties to make your merchant listing eligible to show return policy information, including return fees and the […]

Best SEO Blogs

Use this Looker Studio template to track SEO performance

For as long as I’ve been in SEO, I’ve envied my paid media colleagues’ agility and performance tracking. SEOs typically have had to exercise patience and a lot of manual building to get actionable performance data. Inspired by a Looker Studio dashboard built by our paid media team, I rolled up my sleeves and constructed one for SEO.  The Looker Studio dashboard has been a game-changer for my team, and I’d like to teach others how to build their own. This article will tackle the biggest insights and benefits of the report, along with the step-by-step process for building the […]

Best SEO Blogs

3 reasons why you need to embrace journey-centricity by Treasure Data

To earn loyalty, marketers should avoid pitfalls and shift to a journey-centric culture to ensure everyone remains focused on creating a great experience that retains customers. The ability to focus on customer journeys and reorient your organization around customer journeys is a great unlock for companies needing help progressing with their customer experience scores and programs. To be successful, organizations need to decide to embrace journey-centricity. Customer journeys provide marketers with key insights about the customer’s intent at the macro level as well as the micro level: what are they trying to do and also the context, the touch points, […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google investigating Merchant Center ad disapprovals

Google is looking into an issue in Merchant Center where some advertisers may see a “Circumventing systems” message in their ads. What’s going on. The glitch was first noticed and posted to Twitter by @ruthiebos. Hi @adsliaison , I wonder could you advise if there is a glitch at the moment with Google ads regarding “Circumventing systems”? We’ve had a number of ads disapproved for this reason randomly without making any changes to the account or campaigns in recent day? TIA #googleads — Ruth (@ruthiebos) April 17, 2023 Google Ads Liaison Ginny Marvin responded that the team was looking into […]