Best SEO Blogs

Google search quality raters shift focus to chatbot response rating

Google has prioritized rating chatbot prompt responses above rating the quality of search results, at least for some of its contract workers, since January, Insider reports. Why we care. Google is clearly committing a lot of resources to Bard and other AI initiatives right now. Search remains its core product – and chief money-maker – so it’s interesting to learn that Google is so heavily invested in Bard that they have reportedly taken resources away from rating search results, which could potentially impact quality. Reviewing AI prompts, not search. Raters are given a user prompt (e.g., a question, statment or instruction), […]

Best SEO Blogs

Microsoft’s vision for a prosperous content ecosystem in a generative AI world

Lost in the non-story about Bing adding ads to Chat (ads were already there) was a blog post by Microsoft attempting to assure content creators that the goal of new Bing is to “drive more traffic and revenue to publishers.”  “The Internet works because of an important ecosystem which starts with publishers creating great content which drives traffic and interest by people to consume that content, and then ultimately advertisers that want to reach people in a high quality and targeted environment.” – Yusuf Mehdi, Microsoft corporate vice president, Modern Life, Search, and Devices, “Driving more traffic and value to […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google to sunset 4 attribution models in Ads and Analytics

Google will soon retire four rules-based attribution models in Google Ads and Google Analytics: First-click. Linear. Time decay. Position-based. Why we care. This will impact anyone who still uses these models in Google Ads. Anything that isn’t last-click will be much harder to track because the data-driven attribution formula is different for each advertiser – and not visible. “In the past, you could use linear and give each touch the same credit. You will no longer be able to do so. There will be no impact on last touch, as that is still available. But finding some of the first-touch […]

Best SEO Blogs

Conversational AI ‘absolutely’ coming to Google Search, says CEO Sundar Pichai

Large language models (LLMs) will eventually be part of the Google search experience. We still don’t know when conversational AI will appear in Search, but Google CEO Sundar Pichai promises it’s coming. Why we care. The new BingGPT search with integrated AI chat generated a lot of excitement, but so far it hasn’t resulted in any significant shakeup in search engine market share. The big questions we’re all waiting to find out the answers to what happens when Google deploys AI-powered chat into search: How much of an impact will it have on the amount of organic traffic Google sends? […]

Best SEO Blogs

Entity SEO: The definitive guide

This article was co-authored by Andrew Ansley. Things, not strings. If you haven’t heard this before, it comes from a famous Google blog post that announced the Knowledge Graph.  The announcement’s 11th anniversary is only a month away, yet many still struggle to understand what “things, not strings” really means for SEO. The quote is an attempt to convey that Google understands things and is no longer a simple keyword detection algorithm. In May 2012, one could argue that entity SEO was born. Google’s machine learning, aided by semi-structured and structured knowledge bases, could understand the meaning behind a keyword. […]

Best SEO Blogs

Has AI changed SEO for better or worse?

Google first turned to artificial intelligence and machine learning to power its search engine algorithm back in 2016. With ChatGPT‘s launch in late 2022, however, artificial intelligence truly became mainstream and significantly impacted the SEO industry. While some believe these changes have been for the better, others have argued that they have made things worse. As we look into the crystal ball, it’s becoming increasingly clear that AI will continue to be one of the most critical factors in the future of search engine optimization and digital marketing. Here are some ways AI is changing SEO, along with its positive […]

Best SEO Blogs

Why next year’s SEO results depend on your SEO work this year

Stop reading. Now. Go open Google Analytics. Click on Behavior, then sort by Top Content, and add a Secondary dimension for google / organic. Now, what do you see? If you’re like most websites, the top trafficked pages are also often at least 12 months old. That means three things: Traffic is a lagging indicator, a byproduct of previous output. Your results six months from now depend on what you did at the end of last year. That your results next year will depend entirely on your efforts this year.  And it means the people plowing ahead, business as usual […]