Best SEO Blogs

Google’s John Mueller On Using AI To Write Content…

So far, Google’s official stance on using AI to write content is just fine, assuming that content was not written to manipulate the search results. If the content is useful, helpful and quality, it doesn’t matter if a machine wrote it or a human. But John Mueller of Google doesn’t seem too positive about the current state of AI writing great content.

Best SEO Blogs

Quality score in paid search: Vanity or valuable?

Quality score. Two words that strike fear in the hearts of paid search professionals everywhere. OK, not really. But quality score can be a confusing metric that sparks debate. A vanity metric? Some practitioners contend that quality score is a vanity metric.  Others view quality score as a KPI to be optimized and reported regularly. The discussion rages on. There’s also the question of whether quality score is a factor in ad rank.  (Spoiler alert, it is indeed a factor.)  Quality score might be the most confusing PPC metric ever. Defining quality score Let’s take a step back and talk […]

Best SEO Blogs

New Bing attracts new Edge users – who then use Google Search

People who rushed to download the Microsoft Edge browser to try out the New Bing Chat experience – ironically – ended up using Google Search on Edge, according to new data from enterprise SEO platform BrightEdge. Why we care. We’re watching closely for any data indicating whether the New Bing is starting to chip away at Google’s massive lead in search. What we see here is more evidence that Microsoft is driving more traffic to sites – in a twist, they’re doing it via Edge instead of Bing. What the data shows. Google fairly consistently sent more than 3 million visits […]

Best SEO Blogs

Spend your marketing budget wisely with incrementality measurement by Cynthia Ramsaran

Measuring campaign success is critical now more than ever. Calculating the incremental lift and the resulting value that campaigns provide is a great way to assess the impact of your marketing tactics and improve the performance of channels and ROI. So, what is incrementally, and how do you measure campaign effectiveness using incrementality testing and optimize them for success? Register today for “Demystifying ‘Incrementality’ for Marketing Success,” presented by iQuanti. Click here to view more Search Engine Land webinars. The post Spend your marketing budget wisely with incrementality measurement appeared first on Search Engine Land.

Best SEO Blogs

Study: 31% of international websites contain hreflang errors

Implementing hreflang can be a challenging task for many SEOs. The countless syntax variations across several languages can be difficult for those with little understanding of more than one language. There’s also the added complexity of understanding specific language nuances and regional targeting which would only typically be understood by a native speaker or someone who had thoroughly studied the language. Incorrect hreflang implementation can cause many complications (i.e., duplicate content, erroneous indexing and poor SERP visibility) detrimental to SEO performance. It’s imperative to implement hreflang with care. Thankfully, hreflang is well-documented and related issues can be identified through various […]

Best SEO Blogs

5 mobile B2B advertising mistakes and how to correct them

For the first time, more than half of B2B ads will be placed on mobile this year, according to Insider Intelligence. It’s a good time to address the most persistent mistakes B2B advertisers continue to make with mobile ads, particularly nit-picky to holistic customer understanding. Yes, B2B marketers should nail the desktop experience first since it’s still where we see most quality conversions happen. But neglecting to optimize over half of their opportunities to engage users has ripple effects down the funnel. User flow and UX on mobile are different than it is on desktop. Layout, sizing, attention span, intent […]

Best SEO Blogs

Google Analytics 4 now lets you modify and create events using regular expressions

Google Analytics 4 now supports creating and/or modifying events using regular expressions, regex. This can help you migrate destinations and event goals from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 in a more programmatic fashion. More details. Google said the new feature and options enable you to define conversions using regular expressions (regex) for web data streams. Just be careful with regex, it can get technical and it is very picky. Why we care. As we approach the deadline for the GA4 migration from UA3, which is now 87 days away, some are now rushing to migrate not just to GA4 […]