Best SEO Blogs

What ChatGPT means for your search campaigns by Adthena

Love it or fear it, ChatGPT has put generative artificial intelligence (AI) squarely at the center of the current technological discourse. In case you need an introduction, ChatGPT is an advanced AI chatbot launched in late 2022 by OpenAI that can converse on virtually any topic in a natural and sophisticated way. It learns from text and images across the web (and human trainers at OpenAI) how to understand and respond to human queries. The potential implications for industry and society are controversial and complex. But for search marketing, the impact of this new era in AI is more immediate. […]

Best SEO Blogs

Microsoft Advertising profession service ads go global, changes to broad match modifier rolling out and more

Microsoft Advertising has announced several changes in its April newsletter, including the expansion of professional service ads, the broad match modifier change, and much more. Professional service ads. Microsoft Advertising’s professional service ads are now available globally. Microsoft first released professional service ads as a beta about a year ago, saying “To help champion these professionals and better connect them to consumers with engaging ad experiences, Microsoft Advertising is developing a new ad solution called Professional Service Ads to make these connections more effective than ever.” This is what it looks like: Broad match modifier changes. Broad match modifier was […]

Best SEO Blogs

Who’s verified? Who’s not? Who knows, it’s Twitter

Did a Twitter account get a blue checkmark by paying for Twitter Blue or is it a legacy verified account? Right now it’s nearly impossible to tell. Why we care. Twitter’s designation for “notable” accounts was supposed to disappear April 1. Some have (e.g., The New York Times lost it) but many others have not yet lost the designation. And with April 15 approaching, Twitter CEO Elon Musk has said that “only verified accounts will be eligible to be in For You recommendations” starting April 15. What it looks like. On all blue checkmarks, Twitter now says: “This account is […]

Best SEO Blogs

UK publishers sue Google for $4.2 billion in lost ad revenue

A new lawsuit alleges that Google abused its dominance in display advertising since 2014 and seeks £3.4 billion ($4.2 billion) in damages for all UK publishers. The bigger picture. Google is facing similar scrutiny in the U.S. The Department of Justice and eight states sued Google in an effort to dismantle its ads division. Google had hoped to avoid that by offering to restructure its ad tech business. And due to EU scrutiny, Google offered to show ad rivals on YouTube. Why we care. The outcomes of ongoing lawsuits and antitrust investigations could eventually result in meaningful changes for online […]

Best SEO Blogs

Decoding the SEO success of LinkedIn collaborative articles

On March 3, LinkedIn introduced collaborative articles, a new type of content that LinkedIn publishes with the help of AI and LinkedIn users.  While it was marketed as an initiative to surface the expertise of LinkedIn users (i.e., “Unlocking nearly 10 billion years worth of knowledge to help you tackle everyday work problems”), it is also a brilliant AI-driven SEO play. In less than three weeks, the content hub /advice/ launched almost 30,000 articles (9,000 in the last week). LinkedIn also gained 17,658 keywords and is estimated to gather thousands of organic sessions per Ahrefs data.  This article explores how […]

Best SEO Blogs

How to create, optimize and promote an ebook

As far as lead magnets go, an ebook is a great one. A well-written, well-designed, optimized ebook can be an enticing appetizer for your audience. It’s a complete example of your brand voice, expertise, and knowledge in a portable, endlessly sharable format. And if your appetizer (your ebook) impresses, your audience is likelier to partake in your main course (your products/services).  About 43% of marketers say ebooks are the content assets that produce the best results for them. In other words, an ebook is an indispensable part of a brand content marketing strategy. For that reason, let’s learn how to […]