Best SEO Blogs

Bing Chat Gets Hit By Robot Scrapers Too

Since there have been webpages on the internet, scrapers have been out there scraping content off those sites for one reason or another. Well, even Microsoft’s Bing Chat has to deal with scrapers and yes, those scrapers can even cause sites hosted by Microsoft to slow down.

Best SEO Blogs

Microsoft Working On Content Controls For Bing Search vs Bing Chat

The other day I reported on how some are upset that Bing Chat is surfacing content that is behind paywalls, raising suspicions that Bing Chat is not respecting the robots.txt directives. While that is probably not true, as I reported earlier, Fabrice Canel from Bing did hint that Bing will be adding more controls around crawling, indexing, and serving for Bing Search vs. Bing Chat.

Best SEO Blogs

10 Strategic SEO Insights & Tactical Advice For 2023 And Beyond via @sejournal, @gregjarboe

I’ve written about search engine optimization (SEO) for over 20 years. So, I wasn’t shocked when the editors asked me to refresh an article I wrote on October 21, 2020, titled “3 Strategic SEO Insights & Tactical Advice for 2021.” But looking back at what I’d written two-and-a-half years ago, I realized that my actionable insights now need to be thoroughly updated in this era of constant change. The advent of OpenAI’s ChatGPT on Nov. 30, 2022, has triggered a “code red” at Google, which rushed out a new experimental conversational AI service called Bard in response to Microsoft’s AI-enhanced […]