Best SEO Blogs

Microsoft Bing Chat is rolling out access to Bing Chat to more users

Bing Chat will soon be available to searchers and users, as it is now rolling out unauthenticated access to chats. Users not logged in to Bing can soon ask Bing Chat questions but are currently limited to 5 chats in a chat session. Unauthenticated access. “We’ve started rolling out unauthenticated chat access on Bing,” Michael Schechter, a Vice President at Microsoft Bing wrote on Twitter. Unauthenticated users are users who are not signed into Bing when conducting searches or chat. Limited access. Those unauthenticated users will be able to ask Bing Chat up to 5 chats in a single session. […]

Best SEO Blogs

How to scale the use of large language models in marketing

Generative AI and large language models are set to change the marketing industry as we know it. To stay competitive, you’ll need to understand the technology and how it will impact our marketing efforts, said Christopher Penn, Chief Data Scientist at, who spoke at The MarTech Conference.   Learn ways to scale the use of large language models, the value of prompt engineering and how marketers can prepare for what’s ahead.  The premise behind large language models Since its launch, ChatGPT has been a trending topic in most industries. You can’t go online without seeing everybody’s take on it. Yet, […]

Best SEO Blogs

Don’t leave the future of your data in vendors’ hands by Cynthia Ramsaran

It’s as clear as you want your data to be – this is the time to have a 360-view of your customer. You want to improve their journey and experience and protect their privacy. So where do we go from here? When identifying a solution, marketers must first identify their pain points, develop a cohesive data strategy and then decide on the right technology. To learn how some of the most successful marketers vetted and invested in the right technology, register and attend “Data Down the Drain? CDPs Bring Value to an Underutilized Asset,” presented by BlueConic. Click here to […]

Best SEO Blogs

Meta starts refunding advertisers for overspending glitch

Meta is starting to issue refunds to advertisers impacted by a glitch last month that resulted in overspending and higher than usual CPAs. Why we care. Meta needs to make this right for all of its advertisers of all sizes. It’s good that the refunds are starting, but it’s been over a month and this still is not resolved. May 12. Some advertisers got their refunds starting on May 12. However, many smaller advertisers are complaining that the process has been much slower for them, Bloomberg reported: “Some advertisers did receive refunds from Meta beginning on May 12, although the […]

Best SEO Blogs

5 steps to work smarter and successfully by Cynthia Ramsaran

When it comes to your work orchestration efforts, how would you rate the work management “maturity” of your business today?  Businesses with high maturity levels have a competitive advantage along multiple work performance indicators, including capacity, time to market, cost efficiency, work quality, and even employee satisfaction. Join transformation experts from Adobe and learn five steps for maturing your work management orchestration model. Register and attend “How You Work Matters: 5 Steps to Get It Right,” presented by Adobe. Click here to view more Search Engine Land webinars. The post 5 steps to work smarter and successfully appeared first on […]

Best SEO Blogs

How to optimize for entities

An entity is a uniquely identifiable object or thing characterized by its name(s), type(s), attributes, and relationships to other entities. An entity is only considered to exist when it exists in an entity catalog. I used this definition in my entity SEO article.  The first part of this entity SEO series should be used when you need to justify a tactic associated with optimizing for an entity.  TL;DR from Part 1: Entities are used as a source for expanding search queries with different terms. Document relevance to a query is partially understood through the lens of known entities. Google is […]

Best SEO Blogs

New Google Search Settings Design

Since last week, Google has been rolling out a new search settings design interface. It looks more like the material design interface, with rounded and shaded borders. This is compared to the more bland textual look for search settings.

Best SEO Blogs

How to optimize your Google Ads’ post-click content

Every PPC marketer aims to deliver improved performance month after month.  But once your Google Ads account is well-managed, optimized, and humming along, where should you turn to keep improving on performance? Often, your next area of focus should be content – and everything that happens after a prospect clicks on your ad.  Who are your ideal customers? If you’re an agency, this is the time to return to your client onboarding materials. Reacquaint yourself with the client’s goals and the types of customers they want to target.  Often, this is easier said than done. When we ask new clients […]